I had my most productive day ever on Hive yesterday

Morning everyone,


I had my productive day on Hive yesterday. Let me start with my Dolphin goals. Oh, and congratulation to @flaxz for reaching Dolphinhood.

As you can see by the graphic I pushed and pumped my Hive power yesterday. I took every bit of Hive and anything I could exchange and powered up. The graphic sure looks pretty. So where do I stand?

I currently have 2086.626 HP, I need 5,000 so that leaves me needing 2913.374 HP over the next 164 days leaving me with an average of 17.7644756098 HP a day needed. Looking good! I WILL DO IT!

I found time yesterday to engage. I did more engagement, I think, than I have ever done in a single day. I came close to making 30 comments. Some times I surprise myself. I went looking for blog posts to read. I engaged with some new people on Hive and people that have been around a long time. I took to twitter to help promote Hive. Just all in all a great day. Only problem yesterday is I might have posted to many blog posts (if that is possible). More than likely it will only be two today, this one and my video.

15 days till my one year mark on Hive. I am over the moon excited.

And my weekly badge ;)


Mondays I am usually pretty "blaw" when it comes to writing a post but after yesterday I am feeling good.

Don't forget the Curation Trail. Promote it, talk it up and if not a member, please consider joining it.


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Have a great day all.


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