Protect Your Circle

Protect Your Circle

It is important that we surround ourselves with the right people, supportive and influential. It is also important to protect your circle and what you are working towards.

There are plenty of people that want to see you fail, that want to destroy what you build and want to take what is your prize.

Don't allow people that are negative in your circle or that would influence you or others in your circle in the wrong way.

If you want to be a lion then don't hang out with hyena's

Be selective of who you allow in your circle and protect the ones you do.

Plan Your Week

As we enter a new week, we should plan out what we want to get done in that week for a better chance of success.

Also making plans will help you focus on tasks.

Maybe your plans won't turn out the way you wanted and some adjustments maybe needed cause, we all know how life can be sometimes but having a plan, any plan is better than none.

My Plan This Week

Get caught up with @heartbeatonhive tasks.
Get @ijelady fully onboarded to the @heartbeatonhive team.
Stay Engaged.
Post Every Day.
Keep rewarding people in fun and interesting ways using Hive.

My Plan For @heartbeatonhive

Monday - We Are Alive Tribe Curation Collection/Plan Your Week
Tuesday - We Are Alive Tribe Curation Collection/Burn Alive Tokens
Wednesday - I Am Alive Challenge Curation Collection/Stake Alive Tokens
Thursday - Larry is Alive Curation Collection
Friday - Alive And Thriving Curation Collection
Saturday - Alive Weekend Curation Collection
Sunday - You Are Alive Curation Collection

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