I Am Thankful Everyday

Are you Thankful?

Many people are quick to complain especially in the western world over very little if you ask me.

I was homeless for many years in London, it was not easy but i survived it many did not that is the reality.

I watched many of my homeless friends die of overdoses, get stabbed, die of diseases and more.

The reality of really living on the streets (not in a fucking vehicle or hostal or living on your friends sofa) for a few weeks or months.

It is not the same lifestyle at all.

But actually in the dirt for years is more than most people can cope with in the western world.

While i experienced some rough times i still look back at most of it with fondness as it was one time in my life i was actually free.

I was free while those that shouted abuse at me, spat at me, attacked me for simply being homeless were caught up in the slavery of the system.

Yeah when you are homeless living on the streets you really experience the darkest parts of humanity.

You will be surprised what people will do when they think your nothing and no one they know is watching.

But i also experienced some of the best of humanity as well, when we use to see people giving up their time and resources to help a fellow human down on their luck.

Most people living on the streets do not end up there by choice they are normally trying to escape something or just had some tough breaks and end up there.

Some people just get trapped for many reasons the way out is not always easy to see or aquire.

All that is behind me now and i miss the freedom. 🤣

But i know i am in a good place with a home, family, food in my belly and clothes on my back which makes me 75% richer than most of the world.

It is easy to lose sight of what we have and it is important to remind ourselves what we are grateful for what we can be thankful for even when things are bleak in our lives.

Personally i have struggled with my mood recently because i had a relentless amount of things happening in my personal life that were just not good.

But like all tough times as relentless as it feels at the time will eventually come to an end.

When everything seems to be falling apart that is when you need to be thankful the most i believe.

If you can be thankful when you reach rock bottom in your life then it is so much easier when things are going well.

Be thankful when things are bad and become unstoppable when times are good.

Been catching up on Hive while the dust settles from some learning moments in my life because when we we feel we are losing really we should be learning.

There is a lesson there even if you don't see it right away.

This week my plan is to get completely up to date and recovered ready for focusing my life around Hive and the We Are Alive Tribe.

I have more plans if you visit my project below where i giveaway free crypto just for being involved and have been for sometime now.

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