Create financial alliances

Winter is here

The snow has kicked in and we are seeing minus degrees here in the UK

If your from a cold climate the temperatures we have here are probably nothing to you but honestly in the UK people like to complain about it.

In fact people here also like to moan about the rain, the wind, the sun and pretty much anything that can be complained about.

It is funny to me because i use to sleep on the streets in this weather, but for the most part people here complain if they have to spend more than a few minutes in it.

I try and stay off the complain train as much as possible to be honest, it never really fixes anything in my opinion and really brings the energy down.

We have been getting ready here for the festive holidays, which has meant going to school plays, shopping, catching up with family and all that jazz.

But everyone has also been sick with flu so it has been a real chore because we have all been lacking the energy we normally would have to deal with our shit.


I am grateful for having Hive to explore and put my time into i have met some amazing interesting people here and look forward to what the future holds.

People around me don't understand why i don't want to go to the pub or just hang out doing other bollocks that just spends money.

To be honest i don't have tons of uninterupted free time to spend so once i finish my commitments offline i am just keen to get online where i try to spend that time on Hive as much as possible.

Financial Alliances

If you want to be successful you will need to create financial alliances it is what the wealthy do.

You don't need big money to do this it can be achieved by investing in projects on Hive and from the relationships you create here.

If you hang around the right people then the influence of their success will also engulf you too even if it is just a little.

Look for ways you can plug into income streams, if you see someone is making good money doing something learn what it is they are doing and copy their path.

If other people are being successful at something and you know this for fact then there is no reason why you can not achieve the same, unless you are not willing to do what they do.

This is normally where failing comes into it because if you are not willing to make the same sacrifices or commitments then you can't expect the same results or success.

Start opening your eyes and mind to the possibilities of the opportunities that surround you.

Look at the players, work out the best and do what they do, get involved, be active and be willing to put some skin in the game.

Don't look at anything short term look at the long term of it otherwise you will be one of these people after a few days or weeks even saying "this isn't working" 😥

No it is not fucking working what the hell do you think this is?

Success that lasts doesn't happen overnight it takes work,dedication commitment and consistency in the right actions, which is why not everyone is successful.

You got to get your hands dirty, get your nose right in there and push yourself daily.

Building my NFT collection


I opened a 12 pack the other day and got my Chrismas Elf i just haven't had the opprotunity to share it properly yet.

Pack 1

Pack 2

Pack 3

Pack 4

Pack 5

Pack 6

Pack 7

Pack 8

Pack 9

Pack 10

Pack 11

Pack 12

Now i have my Christmas elf i have been able to do my missions and already won my first card from it.

Today i won another

Token Trades
I transfered some Litecoin through blocktrades i sent some Hive over to @heartbeatonhive and purchased

I purchased some Alive for rewards and for staking

I added another Alive miner to my collection as well.

I wanted to start increasing my Awesome token holdings quicker so i purchased some on the market.

I also grabbed some Starbits gonna probably get another 12 pack

I purchased some Listnerds for giveaways too

Larry is Alive Contest

Everyday our community The We Are Alive Tribe hosts a contest that teaches people how to generate web traffic for any web page, offer or video.

You can also earn both crypto and fiat currency by taking part in the various task in this contest.

We have 5 tasks you can choose to do them all or you can just complete as many as possible to earn tickets to be entered into a daily prize draw as well as earn from the tasks as well.

Then all you do once you have completed your tasks is include them in a post on Hive showing what you have completed.

Here are the tasks...

Go to Listnerds and view at least 10 emails.

You can join Listnerds for FREE it is a tool right here on the Hive Blockchain.

Let me know if you join this website as my referral and i will reward you here on Hive just for becoming a FREE member.


I surfed over 50 pages here for credits, and use the tools here to run my online business and build my email list.

You get all the tools an entrepreneur needs as well as allows you to set up ads that run even while you sleep.

I am building my email list daily.

Visit This Page Live Here

Visit This Page Live Here

I am a pro member at leadsleap and if you sign up as one of my free affiliates i will send you a token reward here on Hive.

Let me know your username here on Hive and Leadsleap if they are different.

Traffic Ad Bar

At Traffic Ad Bar i surfed 25 pages this is a great site for promoting your web pages and has bee providing quality web traffic for years.

Free Advertsing For You

I also visited Free Advertising For You to earn at least 25 activity tokens i won some prizes too there are a lot of options here for free advertising.

Infinity Traffic Boost
The last task is at Infinity Traffic Boost for the last 10 ads that is Larry is Alive all 5 tasks completed.

By completing Larry is Alive runs consistently will help you build a list and income online as well and generate hunderds of views to your pages or offers.

So that is it for today if you are interested i have a discord connected to my @heartbeatonhive project where you can earn extra Hive rewards and promote your posts.

To join is simple Scan The QR Code or Click The Discord Button

Need Live Support Come To The Discord

Not only will i support you live on discord but every day you complete the Larry is Alive contest i will reward you with Tokens on Hive.

You must be a referral of mine in at least one of the websites above.

Thanks for reading

Made in Canva

- @benthomaswwd - Moderator

Are You Serious About Building An Income?
If you want to start earning serious money online you need to help people solve their problems and you need to time trends.👇

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