I Am Alive - Day 128


Today I suddenly thought back to a teacher I had met years back when I was doing a teacher course.

She said to me, 'Everyone needs a psychologist'.

I was only 19 at the time and had no idea what she meant. So I ignored her.

Then I grew older, I became a little bit wiser and as I looked around more, but also at myself, I realized she was right.

We are all creatures with all wounds here and there, with all traumas (sometimes big, sometimes small). We have all been in pain at one time or another, either physically or emotionally.

And very often we don't let these wounds heal. We let them lie until they sometimes come out in extreme forms; which is not healthy at all.

Why I thought of her today? I don't know. Maybe because I've been seeing more people around me lately who are struggling with childhood traumas? Or maybe because I am also in a healing process? I don't know.

But I think it's important that we, as human beings, always reflect back and give ourselves the time and space to heal from everything that we go through. That doesn't make us weak, it makes us human. It's also a part of life and we should not be ashamed of it.❤️

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