Wednesday Groove: My IAAC Post #9

Good evening all. Hope we had a nice day? Thank God we are all alive! I set out today to accomplish a series of activities scheduled and had programmed for today. It was not really easy at all. From working on series of files in the office to getting it prepared for filing in court.

I had to also deal with the vehicular traffic in the morning hours between the rush hours of the day 7:00am to 10am (local time). The Almighty gave me the strength and courage to forge ahead. I am glad I was able to finish all that I was assigned to do.


Now that it is time to go home and reflect on the day's activities and thank God who gave me the courage to accomplish all. I was also able to do some curation and engagements today as I had also planned to do in my schedule for the week.


I am filled with joy and I will cool off at home with a bottle of beer to wrap up a successful day. Dear audience, I hope you also had a successful day as I did? Thank God we are alive.

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