My Maize Farm: My IAAC Post #59

One of the oldest professions man has ever known is farming. It is therefore said that without farmers no nation will exist. This is a truism because everybody feed from farm produce.

Based on the above premise, yours sincerely has been engaging in some farming activities basically for sustenance and also to make some profits from my farm produce.

Few days ago, I visited one of my farms wherein I planted, or better still, I interplanted cassava with maize to see how the crops are faring.

I was impressed with the things I saw. The maize is about four weeks old while the cassava is about five weeks old.

Just two week after planting the crops, weeds started spouting out and I had to engage people to weed them. That's why the farm looks clean and less bushy.

Soon the maize will start bearing seeds and then mature for harvest. Same goes for the cassava too although it's maturity period is quite longer than that of maize.

These are closer photographs of the crops

All photos are mine which I took with my Android Phone.

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