AI Art form photos - Exploring Israel - Garden in Ashdod

Hello and welcome to Exploring Israel with #AI generated #art¹

The purpose of this post is to reimagine the photos I took while exploring Israel by foot and bicycle. I hope you will enjoy the art!

Garden in Ashdod
👉 Click here to enlarge

This is a view of one of the unnamed gardens in the town of Ashdod. I took this photo while photowalking and exploring the southern part of the town. I love the view of all the greenery and the sky.

This time I wanted to create photorealistic reimagining of the photo, to try to capture the beauty of nature.

AI generated art from the photo

And that’s all for today's #aiart post. I appreciate you for joining me. Until the next time.

Thank you for reading and your attention. Any questions or comments, let me know. Always happy to help.

Have a great day!

Useful Links

To get started with AI art visit:

👉 Lexica

  • Excellent database of AI generated images
  • 100 free creations per month

👉 Dream Studio

  • 100 credits to get started, additional credits require purchase

👉 Dream Studio FAQ

👉 Dream Studio prompt guide

  • Learn how to effectively control the AI

👉 Playground

  • 1000 free creations per day

Good luck with your creations!

Join us at the ALIVE tribe. Show the world your #journey and that you are #alive and #thriving.

¹) All the photos are of public places, taken by @alex2alex with Xiaomi Note 10 Pro and retouched by Snapseed. All the images are created with Stability AI by @alex2alex

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