I Am Alive Challenge Day 4: Battling The Busy Schedule


Printers are essential in the new normal of education. I have a lot of reports to accomplish and report cards to finish. Not to mention I am not yet done with the checking of the answer sheets and my printer broke. It happens to malfunction in a very important time when all reports must be submitted. The drive to have it fix rush into my veins and blood vessels, I hurriedly go to the service center and have my printer check. The good news is that it can be fix as new but the bad news, is that I have to wait for maybe a couple of days to have it done. There are a lot of pending work so I just decided to let it go and hope for the best. I left my printer at the repair shop and hopefully the technician will do an overtime to have it fix. Hoping for the best.


I immediately return to school and started the checking of the answer sheets. It is hard to check on a lot of paper while my mind is on the update of the printer. But, I am happy that with all the busy vibes I have for today, I am still alive and battling my busy day schedule.

Huge thanks to the Alive Community for the undying support and to all hivers who have inspired me to do my best!

Be bless,

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