Celebrating God's faithfulness in my life.

When something happen to you that is when you will know who loves you and who don't love you. It must not really be something very bad as the case maybe. It could still be something good.

The image belongs to me.

On the first day of this October, 2023. I saw raw and real love from my hive family and friends. They showed me such love that I never expected. It was from one message yo another. From one comment to another. From one good wish to another. At a time, I became tired of receiving greetings. I was just overwhelmed by the love that I received.

God bless 🙏 in a special way all the people that celebrated me on my special day being the first of October. It now became very clear to me that kings and queens are born in the month of October. Do you know why I said so? I said that because in Nigeria, first October is our day that we celebrate the independent. It is a very special day for us here. People don't go to work. The government relieved all workers from their work just so that they will be at home to celebrate that special day. And that same day I also celebrate my birthday. So, you see that great men and women of honor are born in October. Hahaha 😄. I hope you are not jealous? Don't be. I will still celebrate you on your special day. Just let me know on time.

So, thanks alot for making me feel special on that day. I love you all. Do enjoy your weekend.

The image is mine. Design with Canva.

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