Celebrating a friends traditional wedding. Alive and thriving.

Hello dear friends. Happy Sunday to us all. Today have been so great for me. After church service we had all the celebration at the home of our beloved brother who did his traditional marriage on Friday and white wedding on Saturday. The traditional wedding took a new look as we saw people from all corner of Nasarawa state celebrating with the bride and his groom.

For this weekend it was indeed fun of joy for us here in my side. We had a lot to eat and drink. We also saw different dancers displaying their dancing skills. Little masquerade also came as the tradition demand. Though this type of masquerade we call it children masquerade because it plays around with everyone. I was afraid at first when I saw the masquerade but later discovered that is children's masquerade and I stopped being afraid.

At first I thought that I won't make it for the wedding because of the distance from my place to the venue. The money we pay for transportation in my area is becoming alarming. What we pay now for transportation is Three times what we pay before now. But never the less I decided to go so as to grace the occasion.

All thanks to God that I was able to go and see things for myself. I saw that people crowded the whole place and the occasion went on successfully.

Today been Sunday I took it as the day of visiting people who I have not seen for a very long time. I decided to do so because I have been too occupied with school activities that I hardly visit people. But now that I am through with my exams, I went on visitation to say hi to all my friends. And at the end of all the visitation I became happy too because I am able to see my friends.
All the images used in this post belongs to me.

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