All thanks to HIVE for keeping me company. Alive and thriving. 16/10/23

Hello friends, welcome back to my blog this beautiful day being Monday. I am happy to be alive and also thriving for a better me tomorrow.

I got the title of this piece of work from what is presently happening to me as we speak. I have been dreaming of finishing my exams so as to have a good rest. Finally my request was granted when I finished my exams last week and I also made a post about it thanking God that I can now rest.

Friends, as it is now, I am tired of resting. Hahaha 😄. I feel like going yo school again so as to see my course mates again and play around with them. But I can't see that happening soonest. I will be a way from school till next year middle because I will be going to do my teaching practice in a senior secondary school for a whole term. The teaching practice begins next year Jenuary and end may by April. I will then come back home to wait for my school to resume lectures before I will go back to school. I'm already missing school. I really want to see my course mates and friends again. I do miss all the good times we spent together for lectures and also going to buy what we will eat.

Humans are insatiable. No matter what you do , you can never satisfy them. Look at me just last month I said I am tired of going to school and today just a month later I want to go back to school. I now that I have to manage what I have seen now till next year when I will be privileged to see my school again

All thanks to HIVE for keeping me company. I really don't know what I would have done if I am not hiving.

All the images used in this post belongs to me.

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