The reason for 11 days without a post

the reason for 11 days without a hive post.jpg

Ok, I've just beaten a long time record of not posting on Hive. My last post was created 11 days ago. This will definitely not help to reach my goals. However, there is a reason behind that...

The great thing of living in Switzerland: you need winter and summer tires

Ok, this is the case of most countries where you have the chance to encounter snow on the roads. Usually, we change our tires twice a year. Once in spring to switch from winter to summer tires and once in autumn to do the reverse. This year, I postponed it because I thought there would be some more snow coming in April since all winter was basically green. So I tried to make an appointment at my garage at the end of April and they finally gave me a date at the end of May.

So far so good. I have my tires stored in my cellar with the complete wheels. I have a little carriage that allows me to pull the tires rather than carry them to the boot of my car. Unfortunately, my celar is situated in a protected part (in Switzerland there is a kind of Bunker in almost every modern building). This means that there is a huge door to get out of my cellar and there is also a high threshold that doesn't allow me to pull the carriage over. Normally I put the carriage outside of the door and I carry one wheel after the other through the cellar, over the threshold and onto the carriage. Then, I pull the carriage until the underground parking and lift them into the car boot.

This time, things didn't turn out well because I manage to kind of block my back while doing that. It's difficult to carry the wheels and the leverage was too big for my poor old back. After a couple of hours, when things started to cool down, I had more and more pain in my lower back. The next day, it was agony when I tried to get up. I had to actually hold myself up over the walls and take one step at the time.

Trying to find a position that doesn't hurt

The problem with the back is that you need it all the time. So it hurts when I stand, it hurts when I sit and it hurts when I walk. However it hurts a little bit less while walking and that was what I was trying to do mainly. I have to say that I look very funny when I walk at the moment and I'm terribly slow.

Fortunately, I'm almost without pain while lying down but only if I lie on one side or on the back. The problem is to get into the correct sleeping position. While trying to settle into the position often comes with brutal pain and sometimes with very worrying noises coming from my back.

It's not the first time that I have such back problems. I have some experience how to deal with it and how to let my body heal. I try to avoid any painkillers because they mask the pain and I could injure myself even more. The negative aspect of that is that, well it hurts...

For two weeks I try now to avoid pain, move slowly, change position frequently and try to survive the days.

Well, this is the reason why I haven't created a post for 11 days. It's very difficult to sit for a longer period of time. I have a desk that I can push up so that I can stand in front of my screen. But even like that, working more than 30 minutes is hard. The longer I work in front of the computer, the more time I need afterwards to make my body functional again... I'm getting towards the end of this post and I'm now scared to move because it will be so painful.

There is one good side effect of all this. Thanks to the constant pain, my apetite has kind of disappeared and I lost 4 kilos in two weeks. It's important to see the good sides in spite of everything...

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