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Freedoms Every Canadian Should NEVER Have to Ask For

I enjoy the sentiment of the following meme. This quote is very pivotal to the future that Canada will be a part of. The way we value our rights, will directly impact our civic and policy making future.

I don't want Authoritarianism in Canada, this is a free country. I am not a slave, I am a healthy man of my own making, I owe no god or no authority a tribute that would violate my inalienable human rights given to me by myself, the only god I have ever known.

Freedom of speech, thought, belief and the right to life, liberty and security of the person are guaranteed. We do not need to beg, barter or ask for them... They are ours for the taking. - Tanya Gaw

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Coronavirus Vaccine Awareness Campaign

Out of concern for the future of civilization, and living freely in a free world, I am making this footer on all of my posts, to remind people of the significant conflict of interest impacting the lives of anyone who has heard of this virus, pandemic, or medical fraud. Which ever you remember it as, I hope to see us enjoying our inalienable human rights while reflecting on this chapter of human history.

Soft Vaccine Disclosure for Normies

If you have a narrow minded friend or family member, try out this soft disclosure, good for normies. mRNA inventor is on this panel, they all have decent inputs.

Dr. Robert Malone & Dr. Ryan Cole are in attendance.

"They are still operating on the false premise that the spike protein was chosen accidentally, when we know the patent trail that it wasn't an accident, and was intentional as they have been weaponizing it and planning to use coronavirus as a vaccine vector since the 80s." - @darkflame

Legal Options for Canadians being Coerced into Vaccination by their Employer

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#CovidVaxExposed Quotes

"The Occam's razor reality is, they said they needed to get the public to accept a pan coronavirus vaccine countermeasure, and they needed the media to create the hype and investors would follow where they see profit." - Dr. David E Martin, CEO M∙CAM

"It was very clear that Moderna knew they were going to be placed at the front of the line for vaccine approval in March 2019." - Dr. David Martin, CEO M∙CAM

"The Moderna Vaccine is actually the NIH (National Institute of Health) Vaccine. That was developed by D.A.R.P.A." - Dr. Robert Malone, Inventor mRNA

"your antibodies are probably better at that point than the vaccination." - Nick Karl, Scientist, Pifzer

"So, right now, we're seeing an increase in the Delta variant. Mostly not because of the variant. Because of immune ... their antibodies are waning. So they're - still protected, but not have that 95 percent efficacy. It's more like 70 percent. So you're being - you're protected most likely for longer since there was a natural response." - Chris Croce, Senior Assoc. Scientist, Pfizer

"I have faith that I will be protected whatever the outcome is, is what it is supposed to be, I am at peace with it, I am a little anxious about what they will do or what they will say. It needs to be seen by other people cause they are trying to give this to kids. If they are being this deceptive about it, I don't feel comfortable with it, being silent while they are trying to give it to babies that cant talk." - Melissa Strickler, Quality Auditor, Pfizer


PhusionPhil on Theta:
PhusionPhil's #CovidVaxExposed Odysee Playlist:
Project Veritas:
Study Shows Effectiveness against infections declined from 88% (95% CI 86–89) during the first month after full vaccination to 47% (43–51) after 5 months: