"Peace Of Mind"

"Peace Of Mind"



In a desert, when a train derails, a piece of track (like track) is attached to the track, which has a slight curvature. The engine pulls the train and the bogie gets back on track.



There are four chambers in our heart. The lower two chambers push blood out into this pump. One chamber cleanses the blood in the body and the other cleans the lungs. The walls of the blood vessels in the body are strong. Because it travels far and wide. The blood vessel wall in the lungs is thin. The nearest is the journey.



Sometimes worries derail the train of our lives. It has to be put back on the track immediately. If the problem is long then we don't have to worry for long. In order to calm down, we have to immediately climb the path of belief that Allah, glory unto Him, will fix everything in the journey ahead.



But when we start worrying all the time, we become victims of stress and anxiety. The blood thickens and the pressure on the clean blood vessels increases. Even though its walls are strong, everything has a limit. Anxious thoughts should be stopped as soon as possible as the right ventricle has narrowed the way for dirty blood to reach the lungs. Keep the good thoughts and good hopes as long as the left box has strengthened its walls to pump clean blood. You will not have stress and anxiety.


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