This Thing Called Love

A quick search on Amazon's book store for "love" reveals thousands, or even millions, of books written about love. Love is a very interesting issue, and anyone can talk or even write about it, because, everyone is in love.

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When I say everyone is in love, I think that's a basic fact if we can look at love beyond romantic love (love between a man and a woman). Love is life, and a key motivator for most of our actions and inactions. We are just made to love. Even the greatest terrorists of all time have those whom they cherish dearly, and want to do everything within their power to keep safe and sound.

Love between a man and a woman, otherwise referred to as romantic love, is one of the most endearing and most talked-about forms of love that exists today. In fact, mentioning love will take a person's mind to this form of love first till you clarify.

So, like everyone else, here is how far I may go for love!


Things We Do for Love (The Length and Breadth)

Love Puzzle

To be honest, we can't really tell how far we can go for love. It is commonly said that love knows no boundaries.

Will Smith can tell you more about this!

One common way to show love is through caring, and as much as I can show care, I do not mind. I will go the extra reasonable mile to show care for whoever I profess to love.

Definitely, what better way to show love than through one's actions? Sometimes, it may be hard to do these public displays of affection or even shower the loved one with love messages, but I try as much as I can to place an unmistakable stamp of my love in the heart of whomever I love.

Another important aspect of love is through attention. How much attention is too much? There are no proper limits, but as much as I judge reasonable and perceive satisfactory for the other party, I will always be attentive.

In this post - The Amputation 1, I shared my experience of an event that tested the length and breadth of my love.

The Amputation I.png

Even with my very busy schedule, I had no option but to really show that love is more than what we say, it is what we do as well.


Where to Draw the Line

While love is a beautiful thing, it is better to use one's head, than just following your heart. So, it is good to know where and when to draw the line.

For me, love should be mutual and, in essence, must be reciprocated. Thus, all care and attention expressed to the loved one should be reciprocated to a reasonable degree. No one wants to feel used.

So, at any point where I am very convinced that I am being used, it will be in my best interest to pull out of the relationship.

While it is hard to identify an endpoint, one key indicator is the increasing lack of satisfaction in the relationship, which makes you always try to have a rethink.


Final Words

As humans, we are made to love, and without love, our life is nothing. Love should come out of the heart, and may our loved ones not take our love for granted. When these requirements are met, you will be impressed on how beautiful love is.

Thanks for reading | I am Chukwudi Ofurum - @zestimony

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