My Pride - Keeping it Simple

Every one of us has experienced a fleeting moment of elation that we want the entire world to know about, a unique achievement that we have all accomplished, or a time when we have pushed the boundaries of our capabilities beyond the clouds. All of these things are reasons and causes for feeling proud.

I made the conscious decision to subdue my ego by putting aside my pride, which made it exceedingly difficult for me to go through the archives of my mind to locate examples of situations like this. Having said that, pride is not always a negative trait. In order to maintain healthy levels of self-esteem, each of us needs to have an appropriate degree of pride. So, I continued my research, and I came across one.

Questioning My Relevance

The company for which I worked as a content developer, had a slogan that read "Poised to Make You Relevant."

I can only try to fathom the amount of mental labor that must have been required of the bright mind that came up with that catchphrase. However, if it is to have any meaning at all, that sentence should be interpreted as highlighting the straightforward truth that value and relevancy are interchangeable terms.

This indicates that if a person is relevant, it signifies that they are valued, and being relevant was one of the things that made me feel the most pride. If I get the impression that I'm not contributing very much, it makes me feel awful.

Case in Point

My experience with the Hive began with Hive Learners, and thankfully, I was given the opportunity to become a part of the community during a significant portion of her most recent planning and rebuilding.

I contributed something of value to the Hive Learners' community at a time when fresh guidelines for participation were being developed.

During the time that the community was working in their usual fashion, which consisted solely of utilizing the #hl-exclusive tag for the periodic engagement posts, I made the suggestion, based on my experience with Steemit, that we use a tag that is more specialized for each engagement task.

Despite the fact that this proposal was not exceptional nor very novel, I was pleased to see that it had helped the moderators of the community experience a greater degree of success in their work. Even though it was improved upon, the recommendation was immediately well received, as evidenced by the fact that it had the greatest vote value ($4) of any comment I have ever made.


Today, whenever I come across a Hive Learner's prompt and the other posts that follow with it, seeing the additional tags that come with the hl-exclusive tag gives me a sense of pride because it lets me know that at the very least, I was relevant.

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