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The fear of the hospitalised

Nigeria is a very nice place, the humanitarian hospitality, the love, the bond, and so on like that, if you have had the experience of what um talking about, you will understand what i am trying to say that, and of course i have been a pataker of these hospitalizations, i mean, the best of comfort, the best of foods, the best of every good things you can think of, i mean, Nigeria humanitarian hospitality is so nice...

Trust me, it will be very much more better if this was ehat we can say when we come to the medical hospitality, i mean, for me, its been so long i went to the hospital, i mean, the last time I was in the hospital was a very long time ago , i guess that should be around when i was a kid and i can't really remember how everything went for me as for me as of that time, i am not sure i had enough sence as of that time to remember how the experience was for me.

About 2018, my mother's father which is also my grandfather was diogened with one kind of cancer like that, (i don't know the name of the cancer) at first, i got si scared, i knew that cancers really didn't have any cure, but then they gave us a kind of hope that he could still live, i mean, at first, we were all happy, our old ma was going to survive, they told us that there going to operate on him, and that he was to get better, but then, after the operation, at first, it felt like everything was going to be fine, but then the same problem that was operated on came back in a more dangerous way i guess, and i felt so bad, and the good news turned to a bad news, the next thing we heard was that he had limited life, grandfather died without coming out of the hospital.

This almost made me feel lke i can never trust the words of doctors, they say lawyers are liers, but what about the doctors, grandfather was getting better, and all of a sudden they were ask to operate on again, after the first operation, i formed the hard guy when i heard that he wasn't going to make it after the second operation, but deep down i felt really bad, its all goi g to be well.

Earlier this year, my older cousin's wife had almost the same problem my grand father had, i almost became scared, because i remember what happened to himx but at the same time, i got more scared because it has not been upto a whole year that they got wedded, i mean, what does my cousin want to if he looses her?
But then, we had to pray so hard that even the operation that will be done will not take away her life, and after the operation, we heard that some part of her intestine were rotten, but at end of al the operation, we bless God, because he made himself known, what happened to grandpa didn't happen to her.

I was so proud of the doctors that took care of her, it wasn't like the other time, it was the same hospital, but there were much difference.

Thank you for your time. I really appreciate.

This post is dedicated to the hivelearners weekly featured contest, week 83 edition 3.