I really love what I do for a living

[This pictures were taken by me]

I loved a whole lot of things while I was growing up, I felt I was trying to get everything, I was typing to get that thing that I will not regret at the end of the day, something that passion will ride, and so being consistent doing it won't get me tired at all.

I remember that while I was growing up, I had a lot of talents, and I wanted my talents to be my profession when I grew older, but what happened???

I remember that one of the first kind of talent I had was drawing, I drew like I was crazy, I was so good that every one in school wanted me to draw anything they had to draw, including seniors, and so I felt proud of myself and thought when I grew up, that was what I was going to do as a profession, cause I used to watch movies that artist becomes rich and sell their artwork and make more money, oh my God, I want to be very rich too like them.

I guess age and other things caught over me, drawing was already fading away from my mind, and then I remember I was a born dancer, I was always active in all the church and school choreography, and one of the coolest this dance thing was that I was always put in the front and as well as the lead dancer...

I did dancing for a while, and so I started loving it, some years ago,there was a particular dance group I joined, it was my best friend that created it, *oh yeah, my best friend is also a dancer, in fact, he is even a better dancer than I am, and so he called me to join a dance group called DDC (I can't even remember what the full meaning of DDC is again 😂)

What I know is that at the end of the day I was a very good dancer, but my parent convinced me, telling me that there was no future in dancing, they told me that when I get older, I won't be able to dance, and so then how I'm I going to feed my family, and I think what they told me really got to me, and so I gave up on dance. (My friend is still a dancer, and indeed he is making money, I mean good money from dancing, and it made me feel like I made a wrong choice stoping dance. Well, it is what it is ...)

Some years after, I learnt computer science, well, I majored mostly on Microsoft office, and a little on coding. It was a very interesting experience, I was like when I get to the university, I will study computer science, and so it was like I was on my way to my Destiny.

Just towards the end of the programme, I got invited to study photography professionally, I think I should also mention this, my grandfather was a photographer, he was a legend at what he did, and the fact was that I kinda laughed at what he was doing for a living, I mean, I really never has interest in that; just until one day, I found myself taking cool pictures of things, and a whole lot of people liked what I did, and so with time, I started to grow interest, and from interests, it turned to passion, I was really craving to take pictures everyday, and so I decided to take leap of faith to do something that might favour me at the end of my day...

[Pictures taken by me]

Just after the Microsoft office study face of my life, I ventured into photography even professionally, and I saw that I was satisfying my passion, and yeah, now, I am a professional photographer, and I have made raw cash out if photography, and this is what made me like and love photography, cause with all of my other talents, I have not made anything from them.

Right now, I am a professional photographer, a cinematographer and an editor of both of them respectively, and I am proud of being one of the photographers in the world today.

First of all, photography has taken me to a whole lot of places that I wouldn't have had the chance to be. The cool thing is that the society of today needs photography, some people can say that since they have the most expensive and best kinds of phones, they don't need photography, well, the good news is that nothing can replace photography, not even the latest phone's camera, the more better phones are being released, the more better cameras are coming out as well...

Who will help you capture that moment, that special smile of yours, that moment when love is being shown, who will give you the best composed images and videos if not we in this field.
You may think you can do without us, but truly, you can't, cause without us present in your wedding day and other ceremonies, who's going to capture everything going on? Your phone?? Nahh! Your phone will fail you, but we will never, we'll always deliver.

And if I had the chance to change it, nahh I won't want to change it, I will want to continue, cause right now, it feels like the future holds a whole lot of goodies for me from photography and cinematography.

This is what I do apart from being a writer in this writing blog.

This post is dedicated to the Hivelearners weekly featured contest, Week 106:- Edition 01.

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