Priorities what?

Set your priorities right

I first heard this statement in my subconscious while at the university in 300level studying accounting. It did not mean so much to me and I did not take a closer look at it to decipher what it really means and how it applies to my daily life.

While in my movements through life I can count many triumphs and some setbacks. I felt good going back to the drawing board and discussing with my maker once in a while, the sense of fulfilment it gives through that day is astounding.
What a great discovery.
One should think I should shine the limelight on that but ‘one’ is wrong, I don't.
Work takes presidence without my knowledge.

Getting money stands in the forefront all because money makes transactions, dreams and ambition fall through.
Still, placing work as the lead doesn't take me anywhere.
I am not in my highest element as strain, sickness and my families troubles gets in the way most of the time. The gloom from losing a loved one can be heart wrenching hence bringing to nothingness this drive and struggle.

I get back to the drawing board and begin to align things in order of great importance.

  • Who is your maker? Draw close and ask questions. Create a me and my makers time (studying the oldest book in existence). Pray.
  • Family comes next. I desire the best for them and whatever happens to them can drill a hole through me. So pray for them and stand by them.
  • My sanity and health is of great importance to properly function and carry on other affairs. Take good care of me.
  • Work and the people around me.
  • All other concerns.

I know for sure things will align and fall in place with my priorities set right.
Life is a gift to be treasured and used optimally. I choose this way

®️Whitney Alexander

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