Creative Sunday: OLOWOGBOGBORO by Nathaniel Bassey,in rehearsals

This song "Olowogbogboro" by Nathaniel Bassey is a beautiful praise of our God who can do anything, anywhere, at any time.

The title means "The Hand That Saves" in the Yoruba language. It reminds us that only God's hand has the power to rescue and deliver us from any trouble or problem.

The song opens by declaring God's greatness and might. It says God is the "Olowogbogboro" - the mighty hand that has no barrier or limitation. God can enter anywhere and do anything.

The lyrics praise God saying "Only You have the power to shake the world. Only You can part the Red Sea and make a road for us to pass." This is a reference to how God used His great hand to part the Red Sea so the Israelites could escape from Pharaoh's army.

The song gives God glory that there is no situation too big or too small for God to intervene. It appreciates God who is mighty and kind at the same time. What is too hard for us is a small thing for God's almighty hand.

The chorus sweetly sings out "You are the hand that saves! Olowogbogboro! The mighty hand that sets the captives free! No barrier, no limitation, you can do it anywhere!"

This part is so catchy because it powerfully reminds us that God's power is unlimited. No matter what we are facing, God has the authority and ability to save us from it.

The song prays for God to come show His mighty hand in any areas of our lives where we need deliverance or breakthrough. It invokes God's hand to move and shake the foundations of any problems that are tormenting us.

One beautiful line is "When life looks like winter, You bring Spring back again." This means even when things look dark, dry and hopeless, God's mighty hand can still restore freshness and life.

As the song ends, it pleads for God's hand to move in our nation, families, finances and health. The singer depends on God that His hand will mend, heal, bless, favor and lift up.

Everywhere the hand of God touches, darkness must scatter. Just as God opened a road for the Israelites to cross the Red Sea and escape Pharaoh, His hand will also open new roads for us.

Overall, "Olowogbogboro" celebrates the awesome power and faithfulness of God's mighty hand. The lyrics have faith that God will show up with the solution we need. We only need to surrender everything into His divine, almighty saving hand.

▶️ 3Speak

Here are the lyrics

Olowogbogboro is turning things around
Olowogbogboro is turning things around
Olowogbogboro is turning things around
For my good
For my good

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