I can remember vividly in 2003 precisely, I was still in junior secondary school 2 ( J.S.S 2).I used to be a lotto gambler ( baba ijebu game ). I was so yoked with the gambling business that even eating was a problem that time because I will use any money I found with me to play the gambling game .it was a big issue for me at that time because I am already addicted to the gambling game and it led to some bad behaviors that mere looking at me you will deny on me that I can never do such bad acts, I look so innocent and can never believe what I can do or what u am capable of doing .

I grew up in a village called Lalupon in Ibadan and I also schooled there.this my bad attitude was as a result of bad friends and the kind of environment I found myself because where I was staying at that period was a place they are gambling a lot and I use to see how people win their gambling games .
The most interesting part of it was that I can forecast games very well and it is so bad that when I give games out to people , they win most times and it happens when I did not play it with them .
I was not happy about how things was going on to the extent that I started thinking maybe I have bad luck but still I did not stop playing gambling game even when I am losing badly
.Sometimes I steal my mummy's money to be able to carry out my mission( gambling).

One faithful day , I did a deceitful thing, the game I played was 25- 81 and I was believing as usual for my luck should come .when the results finally came out lately in the evening, I quickly rushed down to where the results was to be displayed and I saw 25-8, I almost won the gambling game that evening. I was very sad and I told myself that I must do something about the result because the result was almost the same, I have to come up with a plan and this was what I did;don't forget the baba ijebu gambling game was not using machine to play their gambling lotto that time, it was lotto paper , carbon paper and pen that they were using that period.
I quickly brought out a bucket , poured little amount of water inside then gently put the lotto paper into it after that I removed it back quickly, I now gently pill carbon paper away from it so it won't be known to them that I had manipulated the 1 from the 81 ,so that I can get the winning number which is 25-8.
Luckily I succeeded.

After I had sun dried the lotto paper, I went to the place to show them. Just like magic they fell for it and paid me the winning money .I was very happy and i was thinking my smartness had really helped me.
The following afternoon while coming back from school,I was almost gotten to my house when one of my siblings started shouting at me saying run inside quickly, I was confused because I don't know what was going on and I had never thought that policemen would come looking for me .when I heard of the news I was very afraid and I wasn't myself anymore because no one knew I can do that kind of thing .I could not go out anyhow again because I was afraid I would caught at unawares.

Luckily for me, we're already planning to leave that village at that time because of landlord issues and it was like "my God I thank you " .
Finally ,a month later we left for a better place is very far to the place and that was how I escaped the problem .

Since then and even till now I don't play gambling game anymore.

What I learnt at that time was I should always be sincere and truthful so that I avoid issues in life.

Thanks for reading my post.

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