I think the course is important design/Contes hive learner w22e3

On this occasion I would like to take part in a contest in this extraordinary community which has entered its 22nd week of the 03rd edition


by theme

Talking about specials, usually people we find courses that are made or held by certain agencies for the benefit of the general public that can be applied to their daily lives and they can also learn economics from them and they can from these courses.

what do you plan to study

What I really want to use is the knowledge to make better photos, Photoshop and CorelDraw so that we can better use it for daily life like we are freelancers whose work we don't do but if we can master the application and the polaroid we can make or receive for example people order to make banners or posters or wait for people and also we can handle pre-wedding photos or people's wedding photos so we can easily master and prepare them better

why I want to learn and desain

because right now there is a lot that is needed, it's about Photoshop and CorelDRAW designs that are very commonly used and also many job vacancies are needed. I'm good at graphic design like Photoshop and Corel draw, so if we study this, it's very interesting the opportunity to get a job or we don't apply for a job where people can open a shop or at home and we can receive orders from people through social media such as Facebook and Instagram which we create later we will direct to our number or our private message to order details

the course can be useful for life and society in general

with this Photoshop and Corel Draw graphic design course, I can hope that the general public can apply the knowledge that later if something is taught in this graphic design course, people can open independent businesses, they can home or open a kiosk and they can earn money or they can earn a living for their family by receiving payments after doing graphic design work by clients so that the general public can take advantage of the job opportunities resulting from the course and can immediately be used in the real world. and I hope that many graphic design courses are opened. and I see that in my area in Aceh sometimes one year there is an industrial service agency whose branch usually opens certain courses depending on the current needs of the community

only my writing on this occasion, sorry if there is a wrong word I use Google translate

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