The Importance Of Education In Life

Good evening friends, especially for all hive platform users, may we all always be given a healthy body, healthy mind so that everything we dream of can be achieved smoothly. As for this short opportunity, I will write about the importance of education in life? This is very interesting for me because there are some people who think that the position is not important.

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In this era of super-sophisticated era, it is very important for us to have a higher education, because every day a country is growing, education is very necessary. Actually there is nothing difficult in the world of education, it's just that we need full concentration to be able to get that knowledge to the fullest. As we learn mathematics, everyone will think this is a very difficult subject, but basically nothing is difficult if we try to understand it. In everyday life we ​​always play with mathematics, both in calculating our distance to the office, buying food, and shopping for other things, it's all included in mathematics in daily life, as well as other education, it is very important for education to advancing a country, with higher education we are able to provide new innovations, new ideas, extraordinary thinking patterns that we can apply to make things more advanced.

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Education is actually not only found within the scope of the school, but we are free to choose any place where we are comfortable, calm, and we are more consistent. and education is also not based on age, because most people out there don't want to take higher education anymore, arguing that age is not possible. It's all just an excuse, if we have a strong will, age is not a barrier. Many of us find people who are elderly who are still continuing their education because basically they love the world of education.

That's a little I can write on this occasion the point is, Love the world of education, uphold your education, if you want to give something new and make you more advanced and big changes require higher education. Best regards @vikar

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