Things I Can't Do Without Even When Broke


There are some certain things we can't really do in life without experiencing or just having a taste of it but one thing we are always scared of is going broke, ahh that shit is really crazy especially when you don't have a dime with out, this moment is when you will be at your low, gentle and always make sure you stay in door because outside is expensive like we use to say. We are in the era where things are now very expensive and we are somehow not giving the option to decide if we will agree or not, we don't have any choice, we just have to survive, as an Introvert, I'm always amazing how people that can't stay indoor even cope, I rarely leave my bedroom talk less of going out to flex or should I say have a nice time.

Like they use to say, there are some things that are essential to man survival and there are things we add to this things essential things, to me, they are things I cant do without, things that keep me going no matter what and I always make sure I squeeze out the money to get things even if I'm really broke,


Food is one of the things I don't joke with, when it come to picking a foodie, I'm always on the list. I remember my worst experience in school when I almost had ulcer because I was so broke, wasn't working and I didn't have any food at home except garri yet I couldn't complain to anyone, so I keep on drinking the garri once in a day trying to do 010 or 101 eating strategy, I know there is something called life during those broke days. So since then, when I got a stable income I always make sure source how to get food even when I'm broke.

Data Subscription

I can say data is life, you can never have a boring day as long as you have your data intact. Each month, my data subscription cost 15000 naira for 93gb on glo network, I always try to secure that and add it to my bills. I save them up most times, so it will be easier. There is something about me and data, we are like 5 and 6, if I don't have, I started feeling moody immediately and I can't use a data without it, it will be like I'm starting to get choked.

This two things are one of the things I cant do without, even if there is an offer to lock me up some where for months without me talking to anyone, as long as there is food, data and light to charge my gadget, I'm always good to do.

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