Guest Vacation | Places To Visit During Holidays

I'm someone that rarely receive visitor or guest because somehow I'm the boring type and I don't know more than staying indoor watching movies or playing games, even my friends do complain a lot and most time avoid visit my place if they are ladies but guys do come over to play games especially when we want to challenge ourselves. Seeing this topic make me imagine those possibilities of having a guest over this december and places I would what us to visit just to enjoy the December breaks and relax a bit. I have up to 3 places in mind that I have visited once and will love to revisit again.

Rufus & Bees Arcade Center

Even though ladies don't really love games, they can't say no to some arcade games because they are fun and interesting, in Lagos there is this arcade center named Rufus & Bees which I once visited just to have fun, I actually saw the place on someone status and since I was bored that week, I decided to locate the place on google map and drove all the way to lekki just to see how the place look like.


The place is at twins water and you can see it easily on the map and also not far from the beach side, getting there you have to purchase their arcade came card at cheap price then purchase the game credit on it which you will be using to play any game of your choice. They have lot of interesting arcade games but each have their own fee which you have to pay and your total score will generate some tickets for you which you can use to redeem some point into the same cards then use it to redeem some gifts if you have accumulate those points

Landmark Beach

One thing about visitation to lekki is that you will always want to check out the beach aspect and have this ocean view experience, there are various beach spot in this aspect and most of them stand beside each other, there are cheaper ones like the oniru beach which cost just 1k as fee and to me people always overcrowd the place and there are lot of street tout around which can swindle you if you are not careful, more reason I always like the landmark beach it cost just 4k as fee and there is peace attached to it


The view is always amazing and there are lot of side attractions there, I visit the place once with my clique and as per guys, we went there to feed our eyes, you know since there are lot of babes there. It is one place I will love to revisit but I just cant go there alone because it will surely be boring, there foods there is somehow over price also but you will really enjoy yourself.

Lekki Conservation Center


This is the last place I will somehow visit again because I will want the guest to experience what I experienced. I always tell my friends, I will never ever follow them to this place again or do the canopy walkway if they have it in their mind, I'm always afraid of height and I almost die when I reach the 3 level of this walk way, visiting this place is really cheap, they have 3 aspect and it cost 1500 each but the last time I went, I paid for 3 but did only 2. Also the monkey there are troublesome especially if you walk pass them with any black nylon, they will make sure they rush you, snatch the nylon from you and run away, so the guide there always warn us not to hold any black nylon when walking pass them, you can dash them bananas if you have.

This 3 places are really interesting to visit during the holidays and have fun.

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