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Self-Medication~A wrong practice


Self-medication has been in practice for centuries. Whenever a man got sick, he employed means, that he perceived could treat him. It was this practice that helped in differentiating between good and bad plants. Because many of the things available to him were toxic in their direct use just like Belladonna. The advent of the field of medicine has converted many drugs into good medicines. A true definition of medicine is a substance properly extracted, processed, formulated, dispensed, and used.

Self-medication is a common practice these days as well. Some do it to save money that may be costed on a visit to the prescriber, some do this due to their clumsiness as they don’t want to visit the prescriber laziness, and some do this due to educational illiteracy as they think they are jack of all trades and because they have read and listened much about medical science and some do this in desperation to get well because someone from same medicine had.

Being a pharmacist, I am well aware of the hazardous effects of self-medication. Only for OTC medicines, I am persuaded of self-medication which includes no antibiotics, no antivirals, no controlled drugs, and no such drugs that have low therapeutic windows. I discourage self-medication practice. Even being a pharmacist who knows about drugs equally as a physician does, I usually don’t prescribe drugs if someone asks me. Because legally it doesn't comply with my role and duties.

Personally in my case even, first I try as much as I can to avoid medication and let the body fight against disease by itself. Secondly, I avoid antibiotics and antivirals unless I am confirmed via reports that I am suffering from a specific type of infection. That is why I am still safe from any grave implication of self medication. And this what I recommend to others as well.


During my practice in hospital, I have encountered with many of such cases when self medication resulted into grave outcomes. Many of those cases were due to taking in expired drugs and employing such drugs whose consistent monitoring was very much essential. Some cases where of high doses because they felt that this small pill is not enough to treat their stout body.

Self-medication doesn't affect a person only but it has profound effect on whole society as well. Antibiotic resistance due to rampant use of antibiotics is a proof of it. With the speed antibiotics are being resisted we are left with very few orally available non resistant antibiotics.

Moreover the person may know that particular medication is treating a disease but every body has different make up. There might be variability of dose or some other precautions for a particular type of person. A prescriber will prescribe medication after a complete evaluation of the patient's health profile.

Self-medication may bring a plethoro of hazardous effects so it must be discouraged . It may be good in immediate relief but if the disease is prevalent then a proper consultation is crucial. Self-medication has very serious implications which can deteriorate health than improving it.