Introduction Post

Hi hivers! How are you doing? Hoping that you all might be rocking in your life.

I have been on hive from last one year almost but I didn’t introduced myself yet and now for hivelearners verification process i have to submit an introductory post that really tells about me .

So here we go

About Me

My good name is Usman Khalid Rana.
I am 22 years old. I belong to Mianwali district of Punjab (Pakistan).We are 6 members family. My father is a businessman and Mama is dealing with house chores .
On 13 august 2001,when birds were trumpeting for dawn…a fairy from fairyland reached Khalid’s house and gifted them with a beautiful kid and hailed them for being so lucky🙈.Do you guys want to knowing who that kid was ??obviously that was me.😂

I have completed my intermediate education from a private institution in my area .There along with excelling in curricular activities i have also served as headboy for two years.
Currently i am Pharm .D student from Gomal University DIK.As a pharmacy student i am immersed not only in complex drug structures and mechanisms but also contribute in many healthcare initiatives.From last two years,being executive coordinator of welfare society i have organised :

•Blood Donation camp
•Thalaseemia awareness camp
•Breast cancer awareness camp
•Antibiotic awareness camp.

My height is 6’1 and weight is on the way to mark century (although currently at 73kg🤣).

My Hobbies

So mine favourite hobby is “Overthinking”. lol😂😂
I am in love with this habit. And now she loves me back as well even that much if i ask her to stay away from she sticks to me with more stubbornness(well I don’t know whether it is He or She but as i am huge deficiency of vitamin She so i will say it she😅).

Well kidding apart in my leisure time i used to do alot of thing . Here is list of few ones

• I love to read . I don’t read any specific collection.From religious to controversial history ,from motivational to personal growth and from romantic to medical stuff i love to read each thing.
Having keen interest in politics as well.

• Secondly if i talk about physical activities,i priorities games as well.
Used to play tabletennis and badminton inside home and used to go outside as well to play cricket.

•Thirdly i love painting as well .Beside being too pathetic and bad with use of colours,i just do it as i love spreading colours.I believe this habbit of spreading colours on chartbox makes you able to colourize life of others too that directly or indirectly belongs to you.

•Photography: I love capturing moments.Mostly i click moon to whom i am obsessed and post rain nature.Here below are few of my clicks

My Passion:
Just like every youngster,my philosophy of life is also “bringing change”. Just like many ones i aim to discard off evil stuff .As a younster either you are part of bad or you are against bad.
Society is on the verge of chaos.Selfishness and Callousness has prevailed upon everyone and now in this time of utter mayhem there is need to be candle of love and positivity.I just want to be fire of that candle.
Professionally i do have many ambitions of performing in multidisciplines. I wanna join bureaucracy along with being an enthusiastic entrepreneur.
To epitomise i will say that i want to be known as bureaucrat,entrepreneur and a writer as well.

My key interests :

I am not fond of pompy dresses and lifestyles.I have few basic interests and my whole life and desires surround around them. Here are these


And most importantly tourism.
I am very much fond of travelling. I have a wish to go to some ancient cities and experience different culture. Talking about Pakistan i have explored northern side of Pakistan almost involving
Naran,Khaghan,Shugran,Chillas,Babusar,swat,Abbotabad,Kumrat,Razmak and murree. I haven’t travelled to Balochistan area yet so now looking forward to that voyage.

How i got introduced to hive:

I have been on many blogging platforms like uptrennd,medium,readcash and noisecash. Meanwhile i was introduced to hive as well but I didn’t start here. Even I stopped writing for year or two . Then,Few months ago after getting inspired from one of my good friends @ayeshamalik ,i dived into it .

What i feel about hive:

I have found hive as a platform comprising high quality content and writers. If it is a green field for good writers to plough then at the same tine it is nightmare for those who intend to earn just by using chatgpt or AI.
For me hive was just a writing pad but now i am looking more into it,interacting users,coming across stuffs belonging different religions,countries and cultures.
I am passionate about art of storytelling and effective communication.Through hive i am looking forward to groom my writing skills as well as mounting my knowledge through quality contents here.I am excited to meet new people.

Eyes to hivelearners:

I was told about hivelearners by @amberkashif and then after consulting @dlmmqb and getting guidance over it ,I applied for it.

I don’t know much about hivelearners yet but what i have observed is that it is paying much attention to guide newbies and the accounts not getting traffic. They are teaching about hive and gambits to be good writer here.
Through different contests they are keeping community energetic indeed giving them opportunities to excel their skills.

This is all from my side
Stay blessed


All the images belong to me and have been clicked by my own cameras.

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