High tech civilization ~arduous or delightful?

Issac Assimov quotes that

“The advancement of civilisation is actually exercise to limit privacy “

I was living in cages. I was killing animals to eat and wear. I was just wandering on mountains and in forests and deserts. I had no sense to live. My circle was just upto my family and tribe. I used to wake up ,hunt an animal and then fall back to sleep. I had to leave my loved ones alone in distant place when they had to suffer plague. I was not able to able world despite my curiousity. I used to look on sky seeing birds flying and wishing to do so. I used to watch at sea and anticipating to reach second shore but alas I wasn’t able to do so.

Then one day a guest pounced upon me. He introduced him as


He was looking sophisticated and polished. He was well dressed with some gadgets and and beautiful raiments. I was stunned to look at him. He spoke to me a with a smiling face.
He read all my wishes and anticipations just by looking into my eyes.

He muttered,” hey,man …i really liked your hospitality and your Earth. If it doesn’t bother you i will like to reside here. Through my sojourn here ,i wil further add to beauty of your Earth.

I was so mesmerising by his his outlooks that I couldn’t deny and he started utilizing his skills.And he was as efficient in work as he was urbane in looks.
First thing he made was a wheel . It looked not too special but when he utilized it ,i was confounded .

Centuries went and he totally changed the sketch of my Earth.I along with my men were loving him and alternations,modifications and discoveries by him.

•Now , i was able to fly like birds in the sky. Even my flying desire has took me to space and moon as well.

• I can sail over sea as well as dive into it to explore the creatures living beneath.

•I am living in well decorated and comfortable villas instead of dark cages

• I am enjoying lavish food made through different recepies instead of just half cooked flesh .

•I am dressed in clean surplices leaving those leaf covers.

• I am enjoying more developed medical therapeutic system getting cure of each deadly disease and pandemic.

• I have electronic gadgets in my hand through which i am connected to people hundreds of miles away from cherishing moments.

•Today i can have access to all kind of information with just one click.

•I have network of roads through which i am covering distance of months in hours.

• I am getting education ,sophisticating my etiquettes and making progresses.

Thus through his efforts and our appreciation “Technology” has made our society a ,

         “**HIGH tech civilization”**

But in the time when i was enjoying all these pomps and luxurious life,i was deprived of nature as well.

•My forests were cut down to build buildings.

•The soul of wildlife has destructed due to demolishing natural habitats.

•I am sailing over sea but i hve made aquatic life hell as well.

• I , in search to get connected to orhers ,have deprived of people who were near to me.

•Now, i am living in highly polluted atmosphere.

•Through advancemnt of warfare, i am facing losses of lives on daily basis.

• My activities have totally dillapdated the climatic order.

• I am getting easily whatever i want and the spirit of life has ended with callousness prevailing upon me.

• I have become so addicted to facilities that now it becomes cumbersome for me to live even a second without them.

•I have forgot my gallantary and bravery as now i can shot my enemy with just one trigger.

Well thorns are always with roses and u will sum up narraying a famous proverb that nothing is bad or good…only we male it good or bad

This is my first post after getting verified on hivelearners…… although i have crossed the deadline yet submitting it.

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