Comrades of 2023


Hey guys! How are you doing all . Wishing that you all might be having a very happy new year. This lapse is actually of extravagant pomps and merriment. I hope that you all are hailing new year with giggles on your face.

2024 has dawned with a new set of hopes, expectations and energy. Like previous years , we will be encountered with different type of circumstances.And at many stances , we need a helping hand to cope with those as we can’t do that alone.That help can be in the form of moral support, it may be guidance either and it may be in the form of love as well. The word “help” has wide precincts. It is not just confined to financial support or doing someone’s cumbersome work.

2023 at least for me felt to pass just like a glimpse. I remember the 2023 new year’s night when I was on passenger seat with my father and we were commuting towards our abode. We were discussing politics ,listening to our favorite ghazals(odes) and enjoying new year celebrations on the roads . And now the year has passed😂what the heck.

I am generally one who doesn’t likes to get helped . I love to do things by my own but on some moments , you have to face alot of discouragement,failure and flinching thoughts . And at that time you need someone to put hand on your shoulder, listen you carefully without judging you and then give best possible advice. I will like to mention that i have few person in my life who trust on me and my abilities and never give up on me.

My parents: I am actually very much grateful to my parents. Not for this year but whole life. The way they brought me up, the way they provided me with the comfort, the way they taught and guided me is just amazing. My father (my hero) is one I can never emulate. He not only provided me with life commodities but spurred me too to achieve something big in life. He made sure that I never stop doing extraordinary things. My mother who was is my teacher.She hasn’t only taught me but guided me as well. She provided me with enthusiasm.She sacrificed her hobbies to upbring her son in good way. So on the end of 2023 I will like to pay my high, warm and first gratitude to my parents.❤️


My friend: I possess one more person in my life who is source of resuscitation whenever I am deprived of energy. She encourages me whenever I face a downfall. She advises me for ever new inception.No matter what time is ,no matter what the circumstances are, whenever i call her she is available to me vividly. I must have mentioned her here and say special thanks to her but unfortunately she is not hive but I will make sure she reads my words and accept my gratitude.

Talking about someone on hive then i will obviously mention one name here i.e @amberkashif. She is like an elder sister for me and our journey on hive started with dreemport’s competition.I will confess that I didn’t know of hive that much before she pointed me to new arenas of hive. She helped me alot in learning many new things about hive. She told me about dreemport and hivelearners.She rectified my mistakes which i used to make in my blogs.She emphasised me not to confine blogging and writings to just specific topics . Instead,she asked me to use it as a diary and sharing glimpses of daily life routine in an exquisite manner.

2023 has been a wonderful year for me. I travelled alot. I met many people . I had different interactions. I got an idea of practical life which i am going to start this year. Alot of losses as well as i lost 2500$ in trades and alot of gains as well. Yes , this year I didn’t find time for myself so i am looking to spare time for me from the onset of 2024.


I was not active on hive from last month so from now on i will make sure that i do blogging consistently.
This is my entry to hivelearners weekly post.

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