About yesterday

When I am writing this post it’s already 11:30 pm. I hurriedly rushed towards the writing pad as if I squandered these 30 minutes as well then tomorrow I would have to write about today's activities and I didn't have anything exciting or special today.

Actua the topic I am covering here in my post is allotted by Hive Learners. It is about writing what we had in our recent yesterday. And yesterday was an exciting day for me so I didn't want to miss out on that opportunity.

Yesterday when I woke up, it was a normal day. I had my breakfast and opened my curricular book,” Manual of Drug Law to Study.”My mom came to my room and said your uncle(her brother) has been insisting from the previous month to pay a visit to him but I was denying it due to my health. But now I feel embarrassed for further refusals to invitations. The way my maternal uncle is kind to us, it is really hard to say no to him. Every time he calls you, you feel a great piece of affection from his side.

I said, “So what’s the big deal in it, Let’s go..”

Mama replied but there is a problem. You can’t drive. Your father is very busy. He said I would be free at night and by that time it would be very late to go and then return. Moreover, Rizwan(my younger brother) is also out there for his exams otherwise he might have driven us the car.

‘It is a problem if you don’t get bothered, we can avail public transport ’, I said.

She thought for a while and replied in affirmation. We informed Baba and started getting ready. We were ready in one hour. Baba dropped us at the bus station and we commenced our journey to it at 11 o'clock noon. IT WAS not that luxurious bus it was below ordinary local transport. We didn't have any option as these were the only buses which shuttle towards a place of my uncle's.

The commute was smooth. We might have reached 12:30 pm if all had gone smoothly as it was but to our fortune, the bus suddenly stopped when we were 20 minutes distance from my uncle’s house. When I asked the conductor why did you stop?. He replied we couldn’t go further as there was some sort of technical issue with the bus.

Now we had to change the conveyance. On the spot we couldn't find any other bus so we waited. After a pause of 30 minutes, a bus reached the moment but it was already crowded. We hardly managed two seats on the back side and started our voyage again😂.

We both were laughing and thinking about what was happening to us. Even if we dared to step out against the persuasion of your father, the fortune must support us but it is indeed battering us😂.

Finally, we reached 2:00 PM. We were received with great hospitality and gesture. We both were tired so rested for a while and then had a very delicious regale cooked by my aunty. We were sitting and talking to each other in the dining room. Mama was thinking of sojourning for the night there and returning back the next day after the insistence from Aunty but Baba called us and said that I would come and pick you up at night. Enjoy your moments till that.

In the evening, I went out with my cousins. We played a tournament of badminton in which I was defeated badly because my cousins are athletic and I had lost my agility due to the 75 kg weight on me.

At 8:00 baba along with my brother and sisters reached there. We had dinner and sat for the next two hours discussing different topics ranging from business to politics and then departed for home at round about 11 o'clock night almost 12 hours after we initially commenced our journey. The journey was smooth and we reached by 12 o clock as roads were not crowded.
That's how I ended my previous day which is affecting me today as well in the form of body ache.

This is my entry for Hive learners weekly post .

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