Contending With The Supernatural


of, relating to, being above or beyond what is natural. Unexplainable by natural law.

I guess the definition of the word "supernatural" sets the tone for this story. But then, do you actually believe in the supernatural? Are you one of those people who see some occurrences, no matter how strange, as mere coincidence. You might want to have a rethink after this story. And so you know, this is 100% non fiction. A true life story.

Fair enough, I was one of those people that hardly see life beyond what is in the physical, beyond what is in front of me. My thinking somehow changed after much repeated awkward occurrences. Coupled with my faith, I have come to realise that there is more to life beyond what the physical eyes can see. As a matter of fact, life is in two folds, that part which we see and those parts we don't. And yes, I now believe there is a supernatural side to life. A side many say controls the physical(?).

Rochak Shukla

Like I said, I have had countless encounters that has only helped in strengthening my views on life. One of such encounters shook me to my very bones. How I was able to decipher the problem and solution still leaves me in awe till this day.

So, one of the businesses I do is the supply of gadgets, especially mobile tablets. I import them, sell and supply to clients that needs them. Things has been going as planned till a particular supply almost wrecked the business.

I had taken delivery of my goods and was ready to fulfill client's orders that was waiting. Everything was going smoothly till I started getting calls to come take back the supplied tablets. There has been complains that all of them were bad. I was surprised as I have never experienced this before. Moreover, I had thoroughly checked and inspected each tablet personally before they left the office. I was completely lost, I just couldn't explain what the problem was.

To compound matters, I would go ahead and replace the faulty gadgets. Even more strangely, they would again call me the next day that the replacement I brought was also faulty.

Now my confusion was on another level, I could swear with my life that they were perfectly okay when I delivered them. Almost all the tablets supplied had complains. At a point I could not give anymore replacement because all I had had been previously returned. I couldn't do a refund as l have used money for another business. People were on my neck and it was getting tighter by the hour.

Meanwhile, some days earlier, I had noticed something strange with the tablets. How I ignored this, I can't explain.

As long as the tablets were with me, I make it a duty to always open their boxes and power them on everyday, to make sure they are working fine. This time around, in the course of my doing this routine, I noticed some oily substance on the screen of the tablets, like drops of oil. How they got through the box and onto the screen of the tablets was a mystery. Stupidly I didn't read much into this. I would get a piece of cloth and clean the oil. Strangely, In the evening I will check and still see drops of oil on their screens again.

When the complains and returns got too much, I was forced to see things for what they are. I began to notice a pattern. I noticed the tablets I saw oil on their screens were the ones always returned as bad. Once they are returned, I also noticed they they start working perfectly at the office, but once I deliver them again, there will be complain.


I saw this pattern repeat itself. I will see oil on the screen, I will wipe off the oil. I will go supply it and it will be returned back to me. It dawned on me I had to do something, and something I did.

At this point, it was clear this was not ordinary. But what do I do? As a Christian I had only one option, PRAYER!.

I engaged in midnight intensive prayers for some days. Miraculously, I stopped seeing the oil. I observed for more days and confirmed it has totally stopped appearing on the tablets screen . With faith, I decided to re supply those same tablets. This time around , there was no complain whatsoever, no single returns. I was quite thank full and grateful I could resolve the problem with my clients.

This incident has gone on to teach me an invaluable lesson "Life is far beyond what we see". And also an attestation to the fact that prayer do work.

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