Loving someone blindly can never have good results


Hello friends,
Assalamu Alaikum, how are you all? Hope everybody is doing very well and healthy. I am also much better inshallah.

Loving someone blindly can never have good results. Blind love exhausts people. Love is good but extra love can never be good. Because if he loves someone too much, he leaves him with pain.

We make so many mistakes in life that there is no solution. We all fall in love with someone once in a while. But we do not see their minds. I make the biggest mistake of loving them more than life itself. If you love someone more than life, you get hurt again and again. Our greatest foolishness is to love someone blindly by believing someone blindly. One should never love like a blind man without knowing or recognizing him.

It is now seen in many places that they give their lives for the love of each other. Many left him at the end of love. Later that boy or girl chooses the path of suicide. Many even give up their lives. Because they love blindly, they cannot see the true nature of man. Later they have to pay the price with their own lives. Believing someone blindly and loving them blindly can never have good consequences. Its consequences are always bad.

There is more to suffering than just finding joy in love. Everyone in this world loves for self interest whether it is boy or girl. If the boys have money in their pockets then the girls work for the boys and when the money runs out then the love runs out. Once the boys get what they want from the girls, the boys throw the girl away. Because they had a love for self. Neither the boy nor the girl here knew that if they loved him blindly the other person would only use them. It is only when they themselves become destitute that they realize how big a mistake they have made in life. It is never possible to pay for that mistake.

It is now seen in many places that someone is blindly believing and leaving home and later being raped. This is the biggest mistake most girls make in life. Believing a friend, she falls out of the house in love and eventually gets raped and in the end she has to pay the price with her life. This is happening all the time in our society. That is why believing in someone like a blind person should not make the biggest mistake of life. If you love someone blindly, if you blindly believe in someone, he will get hurt again and again. Many later gave up their lives because they could not bear the trauma. That is why we have to be careful and if we love someone, we cannot trust him blindly. Everyone in this world is selfish, no one goes without interest.

Finally, I would say that one should not love like a blind person by believing like a blind person. Because if you believe someone blindly, if you love someone blindly, the result can never be good. Love is good but love for someone like the blind can never be good. However, this does not happen in all cases. There are some people who really love. There is no base in their love.

So friends, so far today. Many, many thanks to everyone for reading my post. And if there is any mistake, then you must look at it with forgiveness. I pray to the Creator that everyone stays well and stays healthy.

God bless you.

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