When You Are In Rome, Don't Be Foolish.

The title of this blog wasn't what I was going for initially but when it came to the head, I just had to pen it down because why not? It's quite funny and attractive.

So, on the second edition of the hive learners weekly prompt, we were tasked to write on a very popular topic. This topic is majorly what drives youths positively or negatively in life. It is a major decision maker. Peer pressure has ruined a whole lot of lives and and has pushed alot to make rash decisions because they just want to feel along. Some joined cult, started cyber crime, started smoking, drinking amongst others and some where influenced to sit up with their hustles and started reading, taking courses and others.

The bottom line here is that no matter what pressure you fall in, the final decision lies in your hands no one will force you to do what you don't want to. Some will like to say otherwise but that's the honest truth. If you find yourself doing it then it means you had always wanted to do it somewhere in your heart. The funniest thing about this is that the friends that are doing it know it is bad but because they don't want to be seen as the only bad people, they try to recruit more into the fold.

Well I also have been involved in societal pressure and currently going through 2 at the moment. One is good and the other is not really good. It's not bad but it isn't something I will be really proud of people knowing about.

Well for the positive part, it is something I have passion for and the pressure I am getting is pushing me to consider it fully and take it seriously. Well it started since last year but I have been patching it up and trying to avoid it for the meantime but I think I will bend to this pressure because why not.

The pressure came from tech. If you all can remember fully, tech was an explosion last year and every one wanted to be a tech bro or sis that they ended up pushing their head into it. Some at the long run stopped halfway, some saw it through and some are making it big time from it. I decided not to venture because I didn't know what exactly I wanted to do. I didn't want to do web dev or UI/UX but something different. So that one helped me alot in standing my ground because I knew what I wanted.

So this year or late last year, I discovered something I wanted to do and it attracted me so I decided to stick with it this year. On the first of January, I started my data analytics bootcamp. Although I haven't gone in fully but I think the basics looks nice. Yes, I know going in deeply will start being difficult and I might what to give up but I believe I will keep pushing.

The negative pressure.

So, there's something that I found myself doing that I didn't really feel comfortable doing. I have no issues with it but the fact that the pressure of life was too much made me fall. But I think I will go back to my principles. I won't be going deep in the details but I don't blame anyone for the decision I took and I have realised my mistake and will do better with my life.

I was in Rome and was foolish because I wanted to fit in and know the trill.

Thanks for reading through. Let me know if you also have made a strong decision against pressure and the one you couldn't stand against.


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