Top five authors/ influencers on HL.

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Hello everyone, welcome again to my blog, today I will be writing about the top five authors (influencers) that I love.
Hive learners has made me make a lot of friends that communicating with them give me so much joy and I always feel this kind of love for them, there are a lot of authors on hive learners that I love reading their prompt, so picking this five that I would list here doesn't made the rest of the other authors not nice or that they don't have nice post, it's just I have to pick five, and so with further ado, here they are…

For my first it will be @merit.ahama post, on thing that does brings me to her post is how she designed her image, I had one asked her to teach me and she jokingly asked for payment 😁😁😁, but t be frank I love merits post because it easy for me to read and understand. When I read her post it felt like I was really there when she was writing, so the post I will be picking will be this.

Here she wrote about exam hacks for the week 50 edition 1 prompt, a she gave her ideas on how to prepare for an examination. These ideas can help anyone writing exams out, and I know with proper guidance one should be able to have success in his or her exam. She first of all made mention of having a positive mindset towards an exam, one should see an exam as hell, also she wrote that listening to good music also does help when preparing for an exam, and she finally said to have a relaxed mind. I love this particular post so much because it's what I have been trying to practice for my forth coming exam, I know it will go well.
So find merits post here

The second author on my list is @burlarj ,I love most of burlarj's post because of he is always so straight forward in giving his points and you can also understand what he means too. So in this post of his he wrote about how he would treat his child, he said every parent has a different way of discipling their children just like his mother did, and from here I understood how different I am as a part from other parents.

So here is burlarj 's post

Another author is @quduus1 aka foxy, I think I made the nickname foxy stick to me, 😁 I like his posts because sometimes when you are reading his post you will just be smiling. I don't know why, @glorydee can Relate.
So in this post he talks about how he was the only black sheep in his family. When I saw this post I was wondering black sleep as how? I was puzzled until I read what he meant and I laughed so hard.

Here is his post

When I first started reading @olujay post it was the movie reviews he does write on and then later I got interested in some of his post. So in this post he wrote about how he loved watching movies, especially a particular genre, and in this prompt from hive learners he talked about bringing fictional characters to life ( the wizard of Baker Street) . I have never seen a guy who is so interested in movies like him.

olujay's post link

My last but not the list author is @princessbusayo, she is someone I have known on read cash, and I had always comented on her writing, I like her writing cause she's creative In it, she writes to make her readers understand.

Her post
In this post she explained what it meant to say sorry, she also gave instances about a couple who couldn't use the magic word to sort out their differences which led to a tragic end of the wife's life.

This are my list of top influencers, feel free to look up their page, you won't regret it.

images are screenshots of this authors post

Thanks is for reading.
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