If there were no rules for 24hours how will everything be like?


First rules are there for a reason, there are rules to guide a given settlement or country or world at large.

Now imagine I wake up to no rules for a whole day that would be major catastrophe,as in the whole country would be in chaos..
People would do whatever they feel like doing, which wouldn't be okay.
Take example my country, 24hiurs without rules guiding them, then the rich would go on to oppress the poor more ,the weak will result to retaliation and then violence begins

Rules in school
The rich school student would now talk rudely to teachers and get away with it 😲

No rules at home
This one , those abusive husbands and wives would now have the right to behave anyhow to their spouse, like I am imagining what will happen

No transport rules
For somewhere like lagos state in Nigeria, drivers would turn mad people, even when there are rules guiding them, they tend to misbehave, now talk of no rules, they would turn the express to battlefield, most driver here are crazy set of human beings.
If the 24hours is now over, everything will be in ruins..

No rules in church for 24hours

Even Bible says judgement will start from the church, there's a reason for that, especially in a country like Nigeria, say 24hours no rules in church, everybody would want to do what they like ,especially when they are just church goers and not real born again Christian, they will turn the church to a house of gossip, lies, market place to sell their product, as in when you imagine 24hrs do as you like😲.

But when the 24hours ends the country would have had a different feel like in a bad way, I am praying we never get to that level where we are are given that no rules because it will be a traumatic one for the nation at large.

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