W37E3 Contest - The Greatest Compliment !

Source : Pixabay.com

In this post, I am back to take part in the Week 37 Edition 3 Contest held by the Hive Learners Community.

After completing the contest in the previous edition, we are now entering the final edition in Week 37, which is Edition 3. And the theme given in this edition is very interesting, namely "The Greatest Compliment". Everyone has gotten Compliments in their life, And usually we get praise for doing great things that make the people closest to us or even others amazed at us.

Of every compliment we get, we must have felt the most memorable compliment in our life. And usually we will always remember that memorable compliment. And everyone has a different view of the praise they get, because every compliment they get usually doesn't have the same impression and it depends on how they respond to it.

And the reactions of people who get compliments are different, some look mediocre when they get compliments and some are euphoric after they get compliments. However, everyone who gets praise usually feels happy and happy about the praise they get, whether it's praise for small things or praise for the big things they have achieved.

Actually we are used to getting praise in our lives, because when we were small until now we always get praise from our parents and when we are at school we get praise from teachers and classmates all the time so we are used to praise that we get. Even though we are used to getting compliments, we will still feel happy if someone compliments us.

And I am the type of person who does not like excessive praise because excessive praise is not good and can make someone feel that they are superior to others. If someone compliments me too much, I usually respond to them and say that there's no need to overpraise me because it's not good.

Source : Pixabay.com

The biggest compliment I've ever felt was when I was having a job interview at a company, at that time the HRD of that company saw the CV that I presented and it said on my CV that I could speak Arabic and English. Then, he asked me to speak anything using both languages, and I immediately practiced it in front of him.

At that time he was very amazed by what I was doing, and he also gave praise to me so that I felt very happy at that time and it was a moment that I will never forget because I received a compliment from an HRD from a company, while applying for a job at their company and it became the biggest compliment i got in my life.

And what made me feel very happy at that time was because I was immediately accepted to work at the company one day after attending the interview, even though in the end I decided to resign from the company because there were one thing and another that made me have to resign at that time.

Even so, I was still proud to be able to get a compliment from an HRD from that company at that time, so that moment was very memorable in my life and it became the biggest compliment I've ever gotten in my life so that I can't forget that moment.

And the point is that we all must have felt praise in our lives, whether it's praise for small things or the biggest praise that makes us never forget the praise we get. And one thing we need to remember is that we should not be consumed by the praise we get, because it can make us feel the greatest of the others aka arrogant.

Source : Pixabay.com

Maybe that's all I can share in the Contest Week 37 Edition 3 this time, see you in the next edition of the contest post.

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