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W37E2 Contest - Public Speaking !

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In this post, I am back to take part in the Week 37 Edition 2 Contest held by the Hive Learners Community.

The theme of the Contest Week 37 Edition 2 is "Talk" and we have to explain what topic we will talk about if we are given the opportunity to talk for 15 minutes in front of many people. This is one of the themes that is very challenging for all contestants because the topics that will be presented by each contestant will certainly vary so that it is very interesting for us to read.

Not everyone has the mental courage to give a lecture in a public place for 15 minutes, because we all need practice to be brave enough to give a lecture in a public place, let alone have to give a lecture for 15 minutes, and not everyone can and maybe only people who are used to filling in material in the Organization or in college only those who have been mentally trained.

Because to train mentally so that we have the courage to speak in public places, we must have the courage to learn speak in a smaller scope first, such as learning presentations in class, in organizations and in other small areas. And the most important thing is that we have to learn public speaking so that we are fluent when lecturing in public for 15 minutes or even more.

When I was still in junior high school at a Islamic boarding school, I was very shy and didn't dare to lecture in public. However, because at Islamic boarding schools, we were taught how to do good and correct public speaking, so when I was in high school, I started to dare to speak in front of my friends at the Islamic boarding school.

And it has become a very valuable experience for me because I can train public speaking fluently when I have to speak in public. One of the ways we practiced public speaking at that time was by trying to practice speaking in front of the mirror, and the more often we practiced ourselves, the higher our self-confidence would be when we had to speak for 15 minutes or even more.

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When I was first Public Speaking, the material that I often brought when I was performing for Public Speking was about "Keeping Clean". And at that time the easiest theme was about maintaining cleanliness, because we live in a hostel so every time the hostel must be dirty if there is littering so I reminded them with the material I brought at that time.

And if at this time I had to speak in front of many people for 15 minutes, then the material that I would convey was "Millennials must be active and creative". I deliberately chose material about it so that we Millennial Generation must be active and creative in living life in society because we are the ones who will be the successors of the nation in the future.

So that the Future of a Nation and Country is in the hands of the Millennial Generation, and we must become one of them so that we can become smart and creative leaders in the future. And the contents of the material that I brought, If I had to lecture for 15 minutes, it would be very useful for the millennial generation so that they are more active and creative in living life.

Before appearing, of course, there are things that we need to prepare so that we can be fluent in our public speaking. And one of the mandatory things that we need to prepare is the material that we will present, because if not, then we will have difficulty discussing a topic when public speaking.

And the point is that not everyone has the courage to appear and speak in front of many people for 15 minutes, but we can all do it if we want public speaking practice so that we are fluent when we have to Public Speaking for 15 minutes or even more.

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Maybe that's all I can share in the Contest Week 37 Edition 2 this time, see you in the next edition of the contest post.