W36E3 Contest - What I Do When I'm Boredom ?

Source : Pixabay.com

In this post, I am back to take part in the Week 36 Edition 3 Contest held by the Hive Learners Community.

Because we have successfully completed the theme from the previous contest, so this time we have entered Week 36 Issue 3 and the theme this time is "Boredom" and I really believe that everyone must have a moment where they are in a very bored situation. And Everyone's way of dealing with the boredom they experience is of course different.

I myself have also been in a very boring situation in my life, but of course I have my own way to get rid of the feeling of boredom that exists in me because I believe that everyone has their own way of getting rid of boredom when they are feeling boredom at their life.

And on this occasion I want to share a story when I'm feeling bored and my way to get rid of the boredom that I'm experiencing, because we all must have experienced or been in a very boring situation in life, whether while we work, while at home, while doing Assignments or in other situations.

Usually I often feel bored when playing cellphones or computers for too long because usually there is work that requires me for use cellphones or computers for a long time, and usually the way I get rid of my boredom in situations like that is by going for walk or just hanging out somewhere with my friends.

usually going somewhere with friends can get rid of the boredom that I'm experiencing, if not going to a beautiful place then I choose to hang out with my friends while having fun by joking and I did that so that the boredom I was experiencing could disappear.

Source : Pixabay.com

Because in living my daily life, almost every time I have to use a cell phone or computer to get my work done. So that makes me often feel bored because I use a cell phone or computer too long so to get rid of the boredom I have to find new situations that can get rid of the boredom that I experienced at that time.

some people, when they start to feel bored they usually prefer to sleep to get rid of the boredom they are experiencing and I don't know whether sleep can really get rid of the boredom we are experiencing. And maybe we can imitate this method because I'm sure sleeping can also get rid of the boredom that we are experiencing.

There are other situations when I feel very bored in my life, namely when I'm sick and can't go anywhere. And I'm sure that when we are sick, we all must have felt bored because we couldn't go anywhere and had to rest because we were still sick. And in situations like that I also often feel bored in my life.

And usually the way I get rid of the boredom that I experience when I'm sick is by going out to just see the situation in front of the house because we also feel bored if we get sick too long. and usually what we do when we are sick is just sleeping so it makes us bored easily. And when the pain subsides, I usually force myself to go out and meet my friends.

And the point is that we have all been in very boring situations, but we have our own way of getting rid of the boredom that we experience so that the boredom that we are experiencing at that time can disappear. And the causes of boredom also vary, because not everyone can be bored in the same situation.

Source : Pixabay.com

Maybe that's all I can share in the Contest Week 36 Edition 3 this time, see you in the next edition of the contest post.

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