W36E2 Contest - Us or Our Forefathers ?

Source : Freepik.com

Hi Everyone !

In this post, I am back to take part in the Contest Week 36 Edition 2 held by the Hive Learners Community.

The topic of the Contest this time or in Week 36 Edition 2 is very unique and different from the previous themes, because the theme of the Contest this time is "Us or Our Forefathers ?". And I will explain it according to the knowledge that I have, because between us and our Forefathers, of course, we have our own advantages and disadvantages.

Everyone must know that life in the Age of our Forefathers and Life in our Age must have been very different, and both of these eras certainly have their own strengths and weaknesses so we cannot conclude that our era is better than the Age of Our Forefathers or Vice versa.

Because we have never lived in the era of our ancestors and we only know from stories how life was in the era of our Forefathers, even though our real life has never felt what it would have been like if we lived in the era of our ancestors.

As a maritime country, there is news that the Forefathers of our country, Indonesia, were sailors. Apart from sailors, there are also those who say that our Forefathers were once farmers who used to successfully plant various types of spices, which made various countries come to our country to buy spices.

Because of the wealth of spices that our Forefathers had at that time, made our ancestors have to fight against the Postuguis who wanted to rule over our country at that time because the spices that we had at that time had the best quality in the world so the buyers came from all over the world including people from Arab, Postuguese, Roman and others.

Source : Freepik.com

Our ancestors used to transact still using the barter system for an item with other goods that have the same value, and the berter system for an item with another item makes people not use currency at that time because they can get an item by exchanging it with the item we have.

However, in the era of our Forefathers, we also had many shortcomings, so we must be grateful because life in that era has very sophisticated technology, because our ancestors were all manual, while we already have technological machines, which makes it easier for us to life.

In the days of our Forefathers, when they wanted to travel to a distant area, they usually rode horses or elephants. Meanwhile, in our very sophisticated era, there are many types of vehicles that we can choose to travel somewhere, such as motorbikes, cars or other vehicles.

If we want to travel to another country, our Forefathers usually have to take a boat or raft to get to a country they want to go to. Meanwhile, we, who live in this technologically advanced era, only need to get on a plane to travel to another country, and that is one of the advantages. we live in modern times.

So that between our Age and the Age of our Forefathers we have their own Strengths and Weaknesses, but if I have to choose it is preferable to live in our Age or the time of our Forefathers then I prefer Our Age because in our Age technology has advanced so that it makes it very easy for us in Live everyday life.

Source : Freepik.com

Maybe that's all I can share in the Contest Week 36 Edition 2 this time, see you in the next edition of the contest post.

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