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My Entry For W31E3 Contest - Why Can I be Made as a Role Model

Edited Using : Pixellab

In this post, I'm back in participating in the Week 31 Contest, Edition 3, which was held by the Hive Learners Community.

The theme of the Contest This edition is a little more unique because we have to explain the opposite of the theme of the role model that we explained in the previous post. In this case, we will be the role models. Then what are the advantages that we have so that we can be made as Role Models by the people around us

So I wrote the title of this post "Why Can I be Made as a Role Model" And I think it's very good because there must always be interesting things in us that can be imitated or followed by people around us because I believe that the advantages we have are not necessarily owned by the people around us as well.

I usually hang out with people of the same age as me and of course many of my friends who are the same age and are still studying in college so many of them don't know about the Digital World whether it's about Crypto, Finance, NFT and some other things in the digital world.

I have understood the Digital World since the end of 2017 Then because I read one of the articles that explained about Bitcoin at that time, so since then I started to find out and learn many things about Cryptocurrency self-taught on Google and on Youtube so that in the end I understand how to use crypto to earn money.

And since then some of my close friends started studying and asking to me a lot of things about crypto because they think I have a lot of knowledge in the Digital World, And most of my friends who are the same age as me are very Lay with Crypto so it's only natural that they often ask me.

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When NFT is booming everywhere, many of my friends also don't know what NFT is and how to sell or buy NFT. So many of them asked me about NFT and there were some close friends who I taught how to make and sell NFT on the NFT Market like in OpenSea.

So far I'm very happy if there are my friends who want to learn a lot of things in the Digital World such as crypto and NFT from me, because most of them really don't know anything about it so I have more knowledge about it among my friends.

I am not the expert in Crypto and NFT, but I can be made as a Role Model in the world of Crypto and NFT by my close friends because most of them are very Lay about the Digital World so so far they have learned a lot about Crypto and NFT from me.

This is also a matter of pride for me because I can still teach many things I know about Crypto and Nft to close friends and friends the same age as me. So at least they can know about many things in the Digital World from me.

Therefore, be people who can be useful for those around us. Because each of us must have advantages that we can pass on to our close friends so that they can make us as one of their Role Models.

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Maybe that's all I can share in the Contest Week 31 Edition 3 this time, see you in the next edition of the contest post.

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