Sink or Swim

When I entered Pharmacy school over 25 years ago I learned that the unofficial motto of the class was "Sink or Swim". At the time I had never heard the saying before. Over time I've learned that it is actually quite a powerful motto.

What I didn't realize as a freshman student was that Pharmacy school was going to get tough. There would be a heavy course load. There would be times where there were numerous large assignments or big tests all coming up in a short period of time. Life would get in the way and things would just happen.

What happens when the world comes crashing down around your ears?

You either Sink or Swim.

You either keep trying and keep fighting
.... or you're finished.

It became a way of thinking

That was a very useful mantra while I was in University. However, as I began my life as a Pharmacist I was under the misguided impression that life would be easy once I had a good, stable source of income.

I was so naive.

Life will always throw things at you. Sometimes predictable but most often by surprise.

I married my wife 25 years ago and thought it would be us against the world. A cherished union that would make my life better. I was right! We've been together for a long time and I doubt I would have been able to navigate life as deftly without her. What I didn't realize is that staying married is hard. It requires work. There will be many difficulties and when things get tough it is time to "sink or swim".... put in the effort, keep working at making it work... or it's finished.

I became a father 20 years ago. I thought those children would be a gift, a love, and a legacy. I was right, my children are a precious gift that I wouldn't trade for anything! However, I never realized just how hard being a father would be. I was told about the sleepless nights and trying times. I thought I understood what I was in for. Wow was I misinformed. Being a father has been crushingly hard. There are no days off. There is no training manual (lots of self help books but every child is different and who has time to read with children around?). Again, when the difficulties of parenthood came around I had a choice : Sink or Swim. Keep on fighting and putting up the effort or give up and watch me fail as a father.

I'd be a fool to think I've been a great father. I do think I was a father who always tries his best though and my kids seem to think that was enough.

Getting old isn't for sissies

With my youngest son off to University later this year and my older son having a job and home of his own now my days as an "on duty" father are coming to a close.

Next up? Become an old man and trying to age gracefully.

Getting old sucks. Things ache that never ache before. Everything is stiff and not nearly as supple as it was before. I'm getting more fragile by the day and slips and falls I would have never even considered before become a very real threat in the world.

Sink or Swim

Source: "Pixabay

But I remember my old mantra. It's served me well so far so I'll keep with it.

Now my wife comes at me with cream every night before bed in a futile effort to keep the wrinkles off my face. I think it's silly as I've earned my wrinkles and gray hair.

What isn't futile is the effort to stay as strong as possible for as long as possible. It's time to make sure I put in the effort with stretching to keep my joints limber. If I don't a fall could be my demise and I'll end up bound in a body that doesn't move properly. It is time to make sure I do my balance exercises regularly. Being stable on my feet and having a strong sense of balance could be the difference between a casual slip and a broken hip! It's time to take my strength exercises seriously. I know I'll only get weaker as the days go by but I'll fight to stop the decline as much as possible!

Embracing the challenges of old age

In short I have no choice but to get old. I'll never be younger than I am today and I'll never stop getting older...until the day I die.

I do have a choice whether I want to fight and age well, or give up and age poorly.

Sink or Swim

I do not know what the future holds. However, I will keep on putting in the effort to stay as strong as I can for the years to come. I want to be able to travel the world and see what it has to offer, I can't do that if I'm a frail old man. I want to be able to greet my grandchildren (someday) and play with them. I can't do that if I'm a frail old man. I don't want to be a burden to my wife or children as I get older and I can't do that as a frail old man. I want to help out in the church and those in the community and you guessed it....

I can't do that as a frail old man.

Life has a lot to offer

It is true. There are many beautiful places and a lot of beautiful people. Lots of yummy food and many entertaining experiences. Of course the opposite is also true, life has many challenges and difficulties.

Embracing the good and the bad with an attitude to "sink or swim" regardless what comes has seemed like good advice to me for many years. That plus faith and prayer has gotten me through this far, seems like a good idea to keep on doing it for however many years I have left.

Of course you may have other ideas so feel free to drop me a comment!

And thanks for making it to the end of the post 😁

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