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Stop Bullying!



Hello once again! ☺️. It's another day and another fun topic to discuss don't you think?


According to The English Dictionary, "Bullying is an act of coercing any individual into doing something that they wouldn't want to do". What this means is that bullying entails the use of force to torment other individuals one feels is less than they are.

In this light, bullying is a virus that has eaten deep into the fabric of the society and the world in general.
There are various forms of bullying:

*Physical bullying: this is a case whereby an individual uses his physical size and strength to bully others that are not as big as he is. This is the most common form of bullying and can be seen everywhere, in schools, workplaces, and even in a family setting.
Here, the bully hurts others physically by inflicting pain and injury in them in order to make his victims do his bidding.

*Emotional bullying: This form of bullying deals mainly with the psychological aspects of humans. Here, human feelings, emotions and mental health are greatly affected and traumatized.
For example, a child is being bullied by his mates in elementary school who tell him all the time that he is worthless, maybe because he's not the brightest or maybe because he's not from a rich home. He then goes on to high school and for some reason he is bullied with those words or words similar. Having to hear such everyday for a long time can affect his mental health and emotional capacity.
The results? He believes he is worthless and poor and ugly and he thinks all sorts of negative things about himself and the more he has those thoughts, depression and suicidal thoughts set in.

He has been bullied into thinking he's not worth it without the use of physical force and so it affects him greatly to the extent that he might attempt to take his own life.

Many teenage deaths today are usually suicide and when an investigation is conducted, most of these suicides are the end results of bullying.

Sadly, not only teenagers get bullied too. Adults get bullied too, even celebrities at times get bullied by their fans and a lot of them are unable to stand the hate comments and the only escape they see is suicide.

Another form of bullying is:

*Financial bullying: This is when an individual is bullied due to his financial or social status in the society. In this case, individuals are made fun of and looked down upon just because they don't have the same financial capacity as the creme de la creme of the society.

This form of bullying can take place anywhere. We can find situations in places of work where a boss takes delight in bullying his employees just because he's their boss and because he pays them to work for him. The sad part is that many individuals take the bullying just because of they have to get paid at the end of the month and because they have bills to pay.

Personally, I don't like bullies and I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels that way. I think bullies are a set of people with huge inferiority complexes so that they don't want to feel inferior alone so they mask it all in fake power and strength just so that they can terrorize those they think are lesser than they are when in fact the bullies are the lesser ones.

One major cause of bullying is Favouritism especially in school settings. More interest is placed on the rich parents and their children or on the very brilliant kids in the school while the average ones are totally ignored, hence this sparks bullying in the students which is very bad.

What's worse is when parents cover and support their kids that engage in this act.
There was a case where a young boy was bullied so much by his classmates he ended up hospitalized and eventually lost his life - I wouldn't say "gave up the ghost" because he wasn't ready - and when he died after telling his parents the horrible things that was done to him, the parents of the culprits flew their kids who were the actual bullies out of the country! Ridiculous!

The case was taken to court and miraculously the escaped culprits were said to be not guilty. The injustice! Meanwhile the poor victim has already lost his life and his family has to deal with the pain.

There is simply no justice in this world.

Charity they say begins at home because I am very sure these bullies didn't pick up bullying by the roadside. It's something that their parents must have encouraged and by encouraging such the parents led their kids to commit murder.

The solution to the vice called bullying is internal, bullying shouldn't be encouraged at all in the homes. Because what the children see at home is what they practice outside the house.
I call on every parent to raise their children in the way that's going to benefit the society and the world at large.

If we keep losing our children and teenagers and youth, who then will be the leaders of tommorow?

I believe bullying can be stopped.

Thank you very much for reading. ☺️.