First Half

The first half of the year is here and it's time to sit back and evaluate all the goals and aspirations for the year to see how far I have come and how well I have done so far.

Image is mine

It's been one hell of a ride and I am grateful for the opportunity to do more and do better during the remaining half of the year. I can confidently say that 2024 has been a good year so far, started on a good note and will definitely end on a good note.

I did try new things this year, things that I never saw myself doing and it ended well for me.


First and foremost, I would like to say that I am not a party person, I don't like parties or concerts or loud, extravagant events that involve a lot of people attending. I usually run away from those type of things but this year I decided to try something different and get the experience at least enough to talk about it in future and say that I did something fun and so different from my idea of fun and also to tick it off my bucket list too.

In the early part of the year, I attended a music concert that was held in my school. The concert was the talk of the school for a long time since last year and a lot of my friends who were going to attend had asked me if I'd attend but I didn't give them an affirmative response until early this year when I fully made up my mind to attend.

I'm glad that I attended because it turned out to be wonderful as I was surrounded by my friends who made it really fun. A lot of Nigerian artists performed that night and the crowd kept on going crazy throughout the show.

Each time I think about that night, I smile because I really made fun memories that night with all of my friends and such memories will forever be cherished.

I haven't been to another concert since that one and I don't see it happening again.

Secondly, upon my return to school for the start of a new session in January, I was appointed to represent my class and I was really shocked by the number of votes I got from my coursemates because I had no idea that they liked me enough to want me to be in charge of class affairs.

Taking on such a role was a bit of a rollercoaster because I had to struggle to navigate my way in order to get used to things. I have never been interested in class politics and suddenly finding myself getting thrust into that field was disorienting.

You might wonder why did I not back out if I found it so troubling, it's because I wanted to gain the experience of holding a position in school in order to see how well I can relate with my mates and professors. I thought about quitting everyday but still I decided to hold on for a little bit longer and I did hold on for a whole semester.

So far, so good!

Image is mine

A new semester has begun and I am definitely going to hold on for this one because it will all work out wonderfully well.

Thirdly, I reunited with an old friend of mine and this has to be the best of all the highlights because it was a reunion that I wasn't expecting.

We got talking last month and I really couldn't believe that we were back together like we never left - still can't believe it - and we have been talking nonstop ever since.

Reuniting with my friend has made me really happy, I laugh more these days and I don't understand how we just fell apart in the past. I don't want to dwell on the past, I just want to enjoy the present and the friendship I currently have with this person. And if we get to be in each other's futures, then so be it.

Through this, I have learned to appreciate the people in my life more and to cherish the moments that we share. This year has been a year of growth for me - clocking w new age and all - and I have learned so much and I am happy and grateful for growth and total well-being.

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