There is always inequality in life [Face it & live it]

For many people, discrimination is an everyday reality. There are many people who goes through some kind of unfair treatement during their day to day lifestyle. Be it on caste , color, sex or be it any things. I do not know what people gets by discriminating with each other. Afterall human are creating a gap among themselves. In most cases the differences were done on the basis of social status. The new age people does not have any feelings or soft corner for people belonging from weaker section. They treat them unevenly which makes life hell for others. There were many instances where I found myself in a line of fire too. Espcially, during my childhood when, i felt neglected because of being fatty boy. Honestly speaking, those were not good feeling at all.

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I went through some hard time, i have been bullied, I was tried to being suppressed, because of my physical appearance. I was put on sidelines when it comes to any sports. For them, I does not fit in their book. But I never gave up.

Such experinces helped me to be stronger with mind. As I was good in studies so things get balanced out when it comes to completing homework or finding solution to problem. I never expected that I will again have to face similar unfair practices when I grew up. However, there was a surprise waiting for me when I joined the corporate sector. Being grown up in traditional orthodox family, self respect means a lot to me. I never been to boot licking or try to impress others through fake appearances.

Unfair meetings with boot-lickers

But when I get into the corporate sector, I started noticing people were much into boot-Licking to impress the namanegement. They were so devoted to their seniors that they keep following them to the washrooms apart from.being in other breaks. Those thing were quite new to me. Even having a good amount of experince at workfront, the people with less expeince and knowledge were valued more at the workplace. It was quite a struggling days to cope up with. I was never been such school never learned that way of boot-licking.

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I always belive in my effort and dedication. Never ever felt the need to appear fake or be a boot lickers just for the sake of impressing others or achieving something. It was a tough phase as again I find myself in line of discrimination and unfair practices. All my work or credits were shared with others. The managers seems to favor their boot-lockers more than the actual performer. Such kind of discrimination is very common now adays but it was new to me as I never been to such situation before. It was tough time to sail through. Even complaining to HR department doesn't going to work. As going against own seniors is like holding bulls with their horns. I put all efforts at hope of getting recognition but all attempt jeep failing. But rather than running away I remain rigid. And a miracle happened as my effort were noticed by the senior most management team. Like of AVP and VP recognised my effort through my user ID on their reports and praise me and also promoted me. That was enough to shut the mouth of my seniors. This reminded me of my Dads words who alwsys insisted on one things

Do your duty without thinking about results.

No efforts goes unnoticed, and this was true in my cases. Even my seniors neflecting my effort. But it was noticed by the seniors management. In those tough time, at office, I was demotivated many a times, but ultimately got my rewards.

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Overcoming Unfair treatment

Discrimination at workplace is very common nowadays. Many emplpyee were forced to leave the company but again found themseles in similar web. Afterall this sitiation prevails everywhere. The seniors always supports and favors their own choices. But when the going gets tough, just belive in you and keep the patience and faith. A person could do few things to get over the negativity factor :

  • Always focus on your strengths. Each one of us are blessed with certain quality. Keep holding on them.

  • Always seek support with family or friends. Rather than keep carrying the extra baaggage, unload them through sharing ad talking.

  • Get yourself involved, with the things you like to do. Just to distract from the mental pressure.

  • Don’t dwell. When you have experienced any discrimination, it can be really hard to just shake it off. Just keep the patience and a cool head to deal.

  • Seek professional help. In case, going gets tough, reach out therapist or get some help.

Discrimination is difficult to deal with, and is often associated with symptoms of depression.


Namaste @steemflow

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