Robotic Quest : For a Meaningful World

Thanks to movies like Blade Runner, Terminator, and The Matrix, we get to see what a robot can do. There are always a long running discussion about the superiority between the two humans and robots. However, the debate over whether robots will eventually replace humans in every field of work is still a contentious one, with arguments on both sides of the aisle. Seems Robots have an edge over humans. Robots beat humans at tasks that they are naturally not very good at.

Robots vs Humans

Among the various creations of God, human intelligence is one of the best gifts given to humans by God. In the meanstime, the robot are the results of those human intelligence only. Like two sides of a coin, both of them have their own strengths and weaknesses, and both are essential in their own right.

Humans are biological creatures. They are intelligent, creative, adaptable, capable of learning, problem-solving, and critical thinking. They possess emotions and empathy, allowing them to connect with others on a deeper level.

Robots, on the other hand, are precise, efficient, and tireless. They can perform repetitive tasks without error and work around the clock. Robots can be programmed to perform a wide range of functions, from simple repetitive tasks to complex decision-making processes. Even though they lack the emotional depth and creativity of humans, but robots make up for it in bringing precision and efficiency into their output.

My Robot Preference

Robots are already nicely teaming up with humans. The drones or robotic bomb squads or gardening ,Robots already making news all over the place. The craze for robots are so high, that everyone would need a robot for themselves. From cleaning home, to cooking food to taking care pets, to daily chores to other purpose. Humans needed them to ease their work. If I ever needed a one then The first choice would be to print money. But that not seems to be so feasible as it would have alresdy existed by now. But rather.....,

I would like to make a Robot that could determine and calculate the rainfall probability in a specific region

(my own editted image)

Why I need that?

I have many reasons to make such robots. Last 2 years we had unexpected rainfall in our area. As our farming is completelly dependent on season rainfall. Any seasonal imbalances causes huge loss to the farmers. If I calculate my own loss then it stands for $120 a year. Gor once, it does not appears to be big, but considering plight of our farmers such amount is huge.

Robots, are machines that are programmed to perform specific tasks. And a correct weather forecasting would solve many problems of the farmer. There are weather forecasting tools and apps available. But those were not accurate all the time. I needed the robots if the chances of rsinfall exits in a particular area or not.

We experinced in last 2 years that rain plays hide and seek with us. We have the heavy clouds during farming season but soon they disappear. After raining over particular area abstaining from rest. Such inaccurate rsinfall are too risky for farmer. As they unable to decide when to sow theor crops or not. Few years we have seen a huge loss.

Form of my Robots?

If I ever wins to get this kind of robot I will be able to enjoy this world and may not have fear to help people who actually deserve it. I do not have any specific form right now to describe into. But whenver I come across "robots" my potential ability to create the creature from my imagination gives me a machinary shape and size.

It got to be at least humanoid structure. The face can be simple to the point resembling to a human.The lower body can be anything that works. Legs, wheels, etc. It must have a “functional arms” to have the ability to grasp something effectively. It got to be able to talk back with output and hear spoken commands, and react to them appropriately. Finally, it has to be able to perform some useful task, within the limits of its ability.

This is just my imagination figure but the actuals could be different. Robots helping the farmer helps people in everyday, even it helps rhe economy to grow. I know there are many doubts relating to my type of robots.

Any question would be highly entertained in the comment section. Please feel to put up a question. May be your question can help me to improve and make better Robots for the mankind.


Namaste @steemflow

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