In the embrace of parents, everything feels right.

Today marks my Dad's first year of death anniversary. Looking back it feel he was right their sitting next to me and enjoying life. Spending time with him was a pure bliss that, I experinced over a period of 6 years.

In our culture, mother, father, teacher, and guests are all considered to be equal to God and all of them should be respected. The place of parents in human life is paramount. If ever one has to choose between parents and teacher, then parents should be given priority. Parents are not only responsible for bringing us to this life, but they are also our primary teachers. After birth, the basic things like walking, moving and speaking, without which no child can progress, are taught by the parents only. Therefore, the place of Guru can come only after the parents. So whatever we owe today is all because of our parents. Such is the mentality I have seen in many of the Indian family.

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Parents play a vital role in the upbringing and development of their children. They are the children's primary caretakers and influence their learning and socialization. Parents can help their children develop essential life skills, such as walking, talking, and socializing. They also teach their children fundamental skills like reading and writing, and broader life lessons. Without these things tye children cannot assume their existence on the world. It is difficult to payback what our parent do to us. But getting an oppurtunity to take care of them, we should not hesitate. We must grab the oppurtunity with both hands. Not everyone are blessed to take care of parents.

There is an immense level of happiness and satisfaction one get, once you start taking care of our parents. I have been to that phase, honestly speaking, I was never been so happy before when getting a huge pay check. It was only the time spent with my Dad in their final moment that matters a lot. Our parents alwsys gives us wing to fly. They never wanted their children to repay what they had done in their upbringing. In my opinion, taking care of parents or making all kinds of arrangement for the wellbeing of the parents are children's responsibility. And such thing were not to forced upon rather the feel and sense must comes to an individuals from within.

According to Indian law, children are legally obligated to care for their parents when they are older and have no other source of support.

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Parents always want the best for their children, they do everything possible to get them educated and give them opportunities of the world but at the end of the day if the parents expect their children to stay tied to them then it might comes as a selfish act. Mere spending time with parents gives them joy and happiness. In my personal experince, duringbthe old age time the parent alwsys seek some kind of support. Even though they do not ask from their children, but they alwsys look out for them to support and to take care. They need someone to spend time and talk to them. They do not want TV, internet or any other things, they just wants someone close that can sit beside them.

These are not big things in life and can easily be manageable. Being a children Respect your parents, and love them with everything possible, because, no matter how far we come, our parents are always in us, and they are the only God who has ever answered us, or ever will. Caring for our parents is not a burden, but an opportunity to show our gratitude and love.


Namaste @steemflow

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