Who's to be blamed for the security breach--- The Vicinity or The Inhabitants...

Just like the preachers will always say that, "the world itself is a very beautiful place but then the occupants of the world are the ones making it look the way it is," In that same vein, every vicinity on its own is a very peaceful one but then the few persons who I refer to as the devil's vessels; the hoodlums who reside in some of these vicinities have sworn to make the rest of the inhabitants uncomfortable by threatening the safety of these vicinities.

I can never forget the mental picture I have about a page in my children Bible where I got to see the lion and other carnivorous/ dangerous animals we know living in harmony with the human race.... I didn't see snake though 😅.


My vicinity here in school is really a peaceful one to the extent that you can't differentiate between day and night here and this is because of the scattered streetlights at every nook and cranny of the vicinity.

This was a proactive security measure that was taken by the hospital management in whose vicinity I reside so they don't even give these hoodlums the opportunity to think about doing anything funny within the premises.

In addition to the scattered streetlights, security men are always patrolling the vicinity too and making sure that everything is in order at night.

These made it possible for us to move around freely at night without any worries since it's relatively peaceful.

These are some of the shots I took at night




As for my vicinity at home, Onitsha in Anambra state, Nigeria, it's a complete 'U-Turn' with that of my school.


Image was designed using Canva

There, once it's 7pm and you're still outside, you're literally exposed to various crimes (loosing your phone, money and other valuables on you, receiving beatings if they're but satisfied with what you have on you and harassment just to mention but a few) worst still if you're a lady as you may be raped.

This is because of the high rate of cultists that stay in my vicinity and they always want to express their power on the civilians, so it's either you join them and get covered or you don't but get to your home earlier before nightfall.

Many persons have lost their lives and that of their loved ones to the actions of these riffraffs especially the periods when they have clash of interests and the two opposing cult groups fight for what I don't know killing the opposite members and also few innocent casualties who happened to be there.
It's always a painful moment for us when they do because rarely does it end without shedding of blood.


Just like Melisandre will say in Game of Thrones Series that ,

"The Night Is Dark And Full Of Terrors",

It's really necessary that we get to finish all our activities in the day and make sure we're at home once it's dark because in darkness, evil prevails.

Thanks for reading and have a nice day ahead 👍

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