Wall Art Creative Sunday

The capacity to think creatively and generate unique, original ideas is what makes someone creative. It's all about finding original and creative ways to express yourself.

Hello Hive family, after a frantic six days of anticipation, Sunday finally arrived. The only day that is dedicated to us is. I also look forward to Sunday since I have a lot of work to do, including some creative stuff I've never done before.

For the last few days, I've been attempting to try something new. I wanted my room to look different. Over the weekend, my roommates went home, which gave me the opportunity to concentrate on my task.

This morning when I woke up, I wasn't sure where to begin. I had an idea to paint a wall. I checked out all of my stock to see what I had and got to work on the plan. I chose to use the damaged wall patches because the wall's paint was uneven and had been damaged in certain areas. I began sketching a wall after wiping the paint off of the spots I had previously drawn. My painting's goal was to draw an artificial wall behind the ruined paint.

I then made the decision to sketch some memories. I created an adorable panda with the text, "Here lies the sweet soul of sid." 😂 Isn't it adorable?

I then had the notion to create a spot for my accessories, such as keys, etc. I therefore used a piece of thermocol that I found in a scrap to build a little shelf.

It appeared really lovely and at last, my concept became apparent.

Now whenever I will look at this wall it will encourage me to create more such ideas and share them.
Happy Sunday♡

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