The Rewards For Academic Brilliance

Firstly, I'll like to use my country as an example because I don't know how it's done in other countries, so virtually everyone knows how education is being downplayed over here, even teachers are not well compensated, so how much more the students. Everything boils down to the fact that we don't value education in our dear country Nigeria.
But when it comes to some TV shows that adds little or no value to the society, money will be pumped in and you start seeing sponsors here and there. With all this why and how will serious student not think twice, when some people are doing unreasonable things and getting millions of naira at the end of the day, why will a student have to study hard to get almost nothing at the end of the day, just certificates, no jobs.

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Till today, some people think school is a scam, I don't blame them though, they draw their conclusion mainly because of what they see that's going on in the society, it's no longer by how many degrees you have, or how brilliant you're, there are alot of brilliant graduates out there that are still looking for jobs, Meanwhile the unqualified are sitting in offices enjoying air conditioners with good salary and allowances. You'll see people that graduated with first class still looking for jobs, they couldn't get any support whatsoever and some that were supported, it's jus a little token like hundred thousand or two hundred thousand, how far can those amount of money go in this kind of economy.

There's a lot of stress in reading, it's not an easy thing at all, when someone takes its time to study hard and then come out with flying colors maybe in a competition, debate or anything, such people should be compensated very well and not just anyhow.

Should there be cash reward for academic brilliance?
Now being specific about the kind of rewards that should be given to students for academic brilliance, my answer is a capital letter YES. Infact more should be given not just cash rewards alone, tangible gifts should be given too, as well as scholarships, assurance of employment after graduation, etc...
Anyways for students that are still in primary or secondary school, they might not be given the cash rewards directly, I think giving their parent will be preferable, because they will know what best to do with the money, only students in tertiary institutions should be given directly.

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It saddens my heart when I see student that went for quiz competition organised by notable organizations and bodies but at the end the winners in those competitions came home with a token but the government and some private organizations can fund some TV shows that are polluting the society.
Countless of people have gained financial freedom by the reason of these shows andthey are still doing great till date but just a few number of brilliant student have been able to benefit greatly from the rewards gotten from their academic brilliance.
The truth of the matter is, education is underplayed in this part of the world, not until we see education the way it ought to be seen and treated, things will still remain the same. Education should not be taken with levity but will all seriousness, education is the best legacy.

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